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Responsible Pricing – Where There is no Will, There is no Way Uncategorized 2015 - 05 - 25 The following article was published on the Month of Microfinance blog on 16 April 2015 and is reproduced below. RESPONSIBLE PRICING – WHERE THERE IS NO WILL, THERE IS NO WAY ON APRIL 16 2015 >> Authored by Chuck Waterfield (CEO MFTransparency) . Last week’s blog answered many of the questions MFT has been receiving […]
MFTransparency is Dead … What Does That Mean for Pricing Transparency? Uncategorized 2015 - 03 - 31 Monday, March 30, 2015 - Chuck Waterfield, the CEO of the influential watchdog initiative discusses the future of pricing transparency in microfinance. Click here to read Chuck's interview with
Announcement for MFTransparency’s transition Uncategorized 2015 - 03 - 31 March 18, 2015. MFTransparency announces its transition plan towards new pricing data collection and publication. Please click here to read more!
Pursuing a Balanced View of Microfinance Uncategorized 2015 - 02 - 25 Geneva, Switzerland, January, 11 2011 - Responding to the coverage of the Indian microfinance crisis. A press release from the Sangham, a group of the world's largest private microfinance investment fund managers.
Interest Rate Debate in Microfinance: Reflections on regulated caps External Media 2015 - 02 - 23 February 23, 2015. Click here to read a latest article on "regulating interest rate caps" by Laura Giadorou Koch.
Making Markets Safe for the Vulnerable – From “Good Intentions” to “Concrete Actions” Uncategorized 2014 - 09 - 12 September 5, 2014, Chuck Waterfield, CEO of MFTransparency, gave the opening presentation in a plenary session at the Micro Credit Summit. Click here to watch his new follow up video!
How Much Profit is Too Much? Mexico Micro Credit Summit Debates the Question Mexico Announcements, External Media 2014 - 09 - 11 Thursday, September 11, 2014. Click here to read NextBillion's article on "Making Microfinance safe for the Vulnerable" debate held at the 17th Microcredit Summit in Mexico.
Making Markets Safe for the Vulnerable Announcements 2014 - 09 - 08 September 5, 2014. Chuck Waterfield, CEO of MFTransparency has spoke on the topic of "Making Markets Safe for the Vulnerable" at the 17th MicroCredit Summit held in Mexico. Click here to watch the full event video!
After Transparency…how to define Responsible Pricing? Announcements 2014 - 09 - 08 On March 27th, 2014, MFTransparency CEO, Chuck Waterfield has made a compelling presentation at the microfinance lunch Break event in Brussels tackling the important question "After to define Responsible Pricing?" click here to watch the full presentation!
Microfinance in Jordan isn’t helping to empower women Uncategorized 2014 - 09 - 05 The Guardian, August 20, 2014. Microfinance in Jordan is not helping to empower women. Foreign donors need to reconsider how their money is being used, as profits are taking precedence over sustainability. Click here to read more!
17th Microcredit Summit to be held in Mexico in partnership with PRONAFIM Uncategorized 2014 - 09 - 03 The 17th Microcredit Summit (September 3-5, 2014 in Merida, Mexico) will assemble high-level government officials, practitioners and their partners, multinational corporations, and others from around the world to discuss the “next generation” of microfinance. Read more here!
Unraveling the Mysteries of Microfinance Interest Rates Announcements, External Media Industry Event, Interest Rate, Understanding Prices 2014 - 07 - 16 On June 19, 2014 - Chuck Waterfield, CEO of Microfinance Transparency, has made a presentation about microfinance interest rates on the popular SMDP- 2014 webinar series organized by the University of New Hampshire, the Carsey Institute. Click here to watch!
Morocco Pricing Data Now Available Uncategorized 2014 - 06 - 26 June 26, 2014. We are pleased to announce the launch of new pricing data covering the microfinance market in Morocco. Please read for more information!
How to Measure the Impact of Microfinance? Uncategorized 2014 - 06 - 05 June 03, 2014 - How to measure the Impact of Microfinance? Check out the latest microfinance chat on Twitter organized by with Chuck Waterfield, CGAP and PovertyCure as guest panelist! Click here to see the discussion!
Over-indebtedness Transparency Blog: Microfinance CEO Working Group External Media 2014 - 06 - 03 Tuesday May 13, 2014 - The Microfinance CEO Working Group held a discussion blog on over-indebtedness guided by the publication of two papers on the topic. Click here to read more!
Kenya Banking Industry Promotes Pricing Transparency in a Bid to Stimulate Market Competition Kenya External Media Annual Percentage Rate, Consumer Protection, Pricing Transparency 2014 - 05 - 28 Commercial banks in Kenya have begun the pilot implementation of the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) pricing mechanism, which will enable consumers to compare different bank loan costs based on standardized parameters and a common computation model. Click here to read more!
From Opaque, to Transparent, to Responsible Practice External Media, MFTransparency Blog Industry Event, Interest Rate, Responsible Finance, Transparency, Understanding Prices 2014 - 04 - 30 April is the Month of Mircofinance! This blog by Chuck Waterfield, CEO of MFTransparency, is the latest of blogs published on the Month of Microfinance Platform adding his unique insight on transparency and responsible practice to the microfinance conversation. Click here to read!
Which Revolution Do You Want to Be Part of? External Media Industry Event 2014 - 04 - 07 April is the Month of Mircofinance! This blog by Sam Daley-Harris is one of the series blogs published on the Month of Microfinance platform adding unique insight to the microfinance conversation. Click here to read more!
New Pakistan Pricing Data Now Available Uncategorized 2014 - 01 - 31 We are pleased to announce the launch of new pricing data covering the microfinance market in Pakistan. Read for more information!
Microfinance as a Potential Cataylst for Improved Sanitation External Media 2014 - 01 - 14 Water For People is pleased to release a new study, Microfinance as a Potential Catalyst for Improved Sanitation, that synthesize their global experiences to inform general guidance for initiating and improving programs.
MFTransparency TEDx Talk – Ending World Poverty or Profiteering from the Poor? United States MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, Data Collection, Financial Inclusion, Understanding Prices 2014 - 01 - 06 Chuck Waterfield gave an inspirational talk at the TEDxPheonixville 2013 Live Event! Click here to know more about what he discussed with the audience!
Making Sense of Microfinance Pricing Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, Data Collection, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2013 - 10 - 24 Planet Rating's Junior Analyst Ben Wallingford explains how MFTransparency's CPRs can help unravel the complexities of pricing micro loans. Read this blog here!
Need for More Pricing Transparency United States Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2013 - 09 - 10 Click here to access Chuck Waterfield's latest presentation from the Oikocredit USA Summit 2013 on the need for more pricing transparency in microfinance.
Evolution of Transparent Pricing in Microfinance MFTransparency Blog 2013 - 09 - 10 This video is the first in a series of videos that shall present the thoughts and insights of key industry leaders on the evolution of transparent pricing - watch it now!
Regulation in Microfinance MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2013 - 09 - 04 In this debut blog post, Ms. Azish Filabi, legal and financial inclusion expert, shares with MFTransparency her thoughts on regulating microfinance and truth-in-lending legislation.
Refreshed India Data Now Available India Announcements Pricing Initiative 2013 - 08 - 28 We are pleased to announce the launch of refreshed pricing data for India, the world’s largest microfinance market. Read for more information!
Learn About MFTransparency in a Snapshot MFTransparency Blog 2013 - 08 - 22 Learn about the new resource added to our Resource Center, "MicroFinanceTransparency in a Snapshot". Let us know what you think of this document!
Coming Soon: Country Pricing Reports MFTransparency Blog 2013 - 08 - 21 MFTransparency will be publishing soon the ground breaking Country Pricing Reports. Read here to learn why you should be among the first to read these reports!
Is Microfinance Losing Its Appeal? External Media 2013 - 08 - 19 Obadias Ndaba, columnist and commentator at the Huffington Post, notes MFTransparency's role in supporting the microfinance industry. Full blog here.
MFTransparency Launches the Truth in Lending Tables (TILT) MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, TILT, Understanding Prices 2013 - 08 - 16 Watch this video to learn more about the launch of the groundbreaking Truth in Lending Tables (TILT) which are now available on MFTransparency's website in CSV.
Pricing Transparency in the Indian Microfinance Industry India MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2013 - 08 - 12 This blog by Nithya Sridharan offers a brief look on pricing transparency in the Indian microfinance industry as MFTransparency continues in its efforts of recollecting pricing data from Indian MFIs. Read the full blog post here!
Introduction to MFTransparency Website MFTransparency Blog 2013 - 07 - 28 As part of MFTransparency's anniversary activities, we have created this video to help visitors to easily navigate the website and make better use of the exciting new pricing data pages - check it out here!
MFTransparency Celebrates Fifth Anniversary Announcements 2013 - 07 - 28 MFTransparency, the microfinance industry leader in pricing transparency, is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its founding on July 28th 2008. Read the full press release here.
MFTransparency Newsletter: Anniversary Special Edition MFTransparency Blog 2013 - 07 - 22 A special anniversary edition of our newsletter is now available featuring some of our latest news and upcoming activities to celebrate our 5th anniversary. Read our full newsletter here.
MFTransparency Celebrates its Fifth Anniversary Announcements 2013 - 07 - 17 MFTransparency is celebrating its 5th Anniversary, share your thoughts and vision on the transparent pricing movement that we began five years ago!
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia, 2013 Bolivia Announcements Pricing Initiative 2013 - 07 - 16 Working to promote transparent microfinance pricing in Bolivia - we are pleased to announce the start of this year's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia.
Talking Pricing Transparency in Nairobi Africa Region, Kenya External Media MFT Event, Regulation & Policy, Understanding Prices 2013 - 07 - 14 Nadia van de Walle, Senior Africa Specialist, shares her thoughts on attending the “African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum“ in Nairobi, Kenya last month on behalf of the Smart Campaign.
MicroFinance Transparency United States MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, enab APR&EIR, Responsible Finance 2013 - 07 - 04 The suicide note left from 18 year old Lalitha is haunting as it reads, “Work hard and earn money. Do not take loans.” Chuck’s solution to the problems he saw was to start the organization MFTransparency.
African Policymakers Map the Way Forward Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, Data Collection, Financial Education, Industry Event, MFT Event, Regulation & Policy, Understanding Prices 2013 - 06 - 28 MFTransparency hosted the second African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum in Kenya which gathered regulators from 5 African countries and industry experts from around the world.
Presentations from the 2nd Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia Presentation Consumer Protection, Data Collection, Financial Education, Industry Event, Regulation & Policy, Understanding Prices 2013 - 06 - 27 Session presentations from the second African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum in Nairobi, Kenya are now available for all to learn from. Please click here!
Microfinance Summit Pakistan 2013 Pakistan Announcements 2013 - 06 - 26 The first ever Microfinance Summit Pakistan 2013 is being jointly organized by PPAF and Pakistan Microfinance Network (PMN) in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan, IFAD, The World Bank and UKAid. The summit will take place in Islamabad from July 8th – 10th, 2013.
Second Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum in Nairobi, Kenya Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia Announcements Consumer Protection, Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2013 - 06 - 11 MFTransparency, in partnership with Planet Rating and under the sponsorship of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), will host the second African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum in Nairobi, Kenya from June 18th – 19th 2013.
Pricing Transparency in Microfinance: 1 Year Later External Media 2013 - 05 - 23 Oikocredit Blog: Chuck Waterfield talks with Oikocredit about the progress that has been made in pricing transparency over the past year.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya, 2013 Kenya Announcements Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 05 - 02 Announcing the start of the 2013 Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya. Inviting all Kenyan MFIs to promote transparency of microfinance pricing in Kenya.
Iniciativa para Preços Transparentes no Moçambique, 2013 Mozambique Announcements Pricing Initiative 2013 - 04 - 25 We are pleased to announce the start of year’s Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mozambique. Microfinance providers in Mozambique are invited to become transparent in their prices!
Launch Event of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Morocco Morocco Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 04 - 10 In April 2013 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Morocco with a workshop in Casablanca held at CMS in partnership with Planet Rating.
En vue de plafonner la marge des associations de microcrédit à 2% : La transparence est de mise Morocco External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 04 - 10 Moroccan newspaper Aujourd'hui hails MFTransparency as a new champion for client protection in Morocco. Read the article on MFTransparency's launch event of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Morocco, in French, here.
L’initiative offrira une compréhension complète des coûts payés par les clients Morocco External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 04 - 10 AUJOURD'HUI: Moroccan newspaper Aujourd'hui interviewed MFTransparency's Program Manager, Ranya Abdel Baki, at the launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Morocco. Read the interview in French here.
Lancement de l’Initiative sur la Transparence des Prix au Maroc Morocco Announcements Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 04 - 08 In April 2013 MicroFinance Transparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Morocco, sponsored by NPM and delivered in partnership with Planet Rating and CMS. Morocco will be the first country in the MENA region in which MFTransparency has worked.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia, 2013 Cambodia Announcements Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 03 - 14 Working to promote pricing transparency of microfinance in Cambodia - we are pleased to announce the start of year's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia.
MFTransparency welcomes new team member Announcements 2013 - 03 - 13 We are pleased to announce the appointment of our newest team member - Ranya Abdel Baki. Ranya joins MFTransparency in the capacity of “Program Manager, Strategy, Finance, and Communications”
MFTransparency presents on Prices and Profits to NPM, Utrecht Netherlands Presentation Industry Event, Understanding Prices 2013 - 02 - 27 In February 2013 MFTransparency CEO Chuck Waterfield presented to members of the Netherland Microfinance Platform on the topic of responsible profit in microfinance.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Tanzania, 2013 Tanzania Announcements Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 02 - 04 Helping to strengthen the microfinance market and improve consumer protection in Tanzania - we are pleased to announce the start of year's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Tanzania.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana, 2013 Ghana Announcements enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 01 - 31 We are pleased to announce the commencement of this year's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana. Microfinance Institutions in Ghana are invited to join the Initiative by becoming transparent in their pricing.
MFTransparency at UNCITRAL’s Microfinance Colloquium Presentation 2013 - 01 - 22 In January 2013 MFTransparency CEO Chuck Waterfield presented to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law at their International Microfinance Colloquium, held in Vienna.
MFTransparency announces Partnership with Pakistan Microfinance Network Pakistan Announcements Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2013 - 01 - 22 MFTransparency and Pakistan Microfinance Network announce transparent pricing data collection partnership to promote responsible microfinance.
Zambia’s New Price Cap – Good Intentions with Unintended Consequences Zambia MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, Regulation & Policy, Understanding Prices 2013 - 01 - 11 Price caps are increasingly common in microfinance. Whether price caps have the intended impact of lowering microfinance prices and preventing the exploitation of borrowers is a hotly debated topic.
MFTransparency presents to investors on responsible pricing Presentation 2012 - 11 - 09 In November 2012 MFTransparency CEO Chuck Waterfield presented to a group of UNPRI signatories explaining how to use product pricing information to make better investment decisions.
Support the Global Appeal for Responsible Microfinance Announcements Responsible Finance 2012 - 09 - 21 Yesterday saw the launch of a worldwide effort to build momentum and commitment to financial inclusion and to responsible finance - the Global Appeal for Responsible Microfinance. Please join us in endorsing this and to committing to responsible practices within microfinance.
What do IPOs bring to microfinance? MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2012 - 09 - 19 A question that I am regularly asked is: “Why are you negative about IPOs?”. To answer that question, I’ll need to first talk about my views on profit in microfinance.
The Fog is Lift­ing on Pri­cing – Now We Can Make Wiser Decisions External Media Responsible Finance 2012 - 09 - 18 SNS Impact Investing - Now that the fog is lift­ing on pri­cing, MFTransparency can now shift into “Phase II” – using a bet­ter under­stand­ing of pri­cing to have all stake­hold­ers make wiser decisions.
Webinar: Understanding the Price Curve Presentation Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2012 - 09 - 17 In September 2012 MFTransparency hosted a popular webinar, educating hundreds of industry stakeholders about the price curve in microfinance.
Working to improve the microfinance industry MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection 2012 - 09 - 15 We are an independent NGO which promotes transparent pricing in the microfinance industry. We deliver positive solutions to the better the practices and impact of the microfinance industry.
Webinar Invitation: Understanding the Price Curve Announcements MFT Event 2012 - 09 - 03 On September 10th & 13th MFTransparency will be hosting two sessions of a webinar entitled “Understanding the Price Curve”. We invite all industry stakeholders to participate in this webinar.
UK APPG on Microfinance – Call for Evidence on the Regulation of Microfinance United Kingdom Announcements Regulation & Policy 2012 - 08 - 16 The UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on Microfinance [APPG] is currently seeking written submissions from microfinance stakeholders around the world giving evidence related to the regulation of microfinance.
Movimiento internacional a favor de la transparencia External Media 2012 - 08 - 16 In August 2012 La Colmena Milenaria published the following Spanish bulletin about the international movement in favour of transparency.
MFTransparency partners with Planet Rating and MFIN to Improve Pricing Transparency External Media 2012 - 08 - 15 MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: MFTransparency creates partnerships to generate better understanding of pricing trends in the microfinance industry.
MFTransparency’s CEO gives training to Incofin team External Media Responsible Finance 2012 - 08 - 01 In July 2012 MFTransparency delivered a series of training sessions to European microfinance investors, one of which was Incofin. Incofin reiterated its engagement to keep on motivating MFIs to maximize transparent pricing.
MFTransparency Newsletter, July 2012 MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2012 - 07 - 31 MFTransparency marks its four year anniversary with the launch of a new website, the announcement of new operational partnerships, and the dissemination of new educational resources. Read more here.
MFTransparency launches new website Announcements MFT Event 2012 - 07 - 31 On 31st July 2012 MFTransparency launched its new website, coinciding with organization’s milestone of four years of operations. The website offers a single online point of reference for microloan pricing data, news and educational resources.
Petition to Support Grameen Bank Bangladesh Announcements Grameen Bank, Regulation & Policy 2012 - 07 - 30 A report by MFTransparency shows Grameen Bank has the lowest prices of any large institution in Bangladesh. We have added our name to a petition in support of Grameen Bank and its clients and invite you to do the same.
Tanzania Banks Told to Charge Declining Interest Rates Tanzania External Media Consumer Protection 2012 - 07 - 29 Tanzania Daily News: Banks told to charge declining interest rates by Tanzania Consumer Advocacy Society, using MicroFinance Transparency method of calculating interest rate.
MFTransparency announces Partnership with Planet Rating Announcements Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2012 - 07 - 26 MFTransparency and Planet Rating announce transparent pricing data collection partnership to promote responsible microfinance.
MFTransparency announces Partnership with MFIN India India Announcements Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2012 - 07 - 26 MFTransparency and MFIN India announce transparent pricing data collection partnership to promote responsible microfinance.
MFTransparency presents at Frankfurt Microfinance Workshop, Germany Germany Presentation Consumer Protection, Industry Event, Regulation & Policy 2012 - 07 - 19 MFTransparency presented on the topic of ''Transparency in Microfinance - The Client Perspective" at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management Microfinance Workshop. View this presentation here.
MFTransparency presents at microfinance workshops in Paris and Antwerp Belgium, France Presentation Industry Event, Understanding Prices 2012 - 07 - 12 In July 2012 MFTransparency delivered two presentations on 'interest rates and pricing methods' and 'the price and cost curve' at microfinance workshops in Paris and Antwerp. View these presentation here.
Auntie-Need-a-Loan and Financial Education External Media Financial Education 2012 - 07 - 06 Center for Financial Inclusion: Microfinance Transparency recently released an interactive video designed to share information about flat and declining interest rates in an engaging new way.
MFTransparency presents on “How Much is Too Much” at SPTF Panel in Jordan Jordan Presentation Consumer Protection, Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2012 - 06 - 06 In June 2012, Chuck Waterfield presented on 'How much is too much" as part of a discussion panel on growth, profit and compensation levels organized by Social Performance Task Force in Jordan. View the power point presentation here.
MFTransparency presents at Microlumbia’s 5th Annual Microfinance Conference, USA Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2012 - 04 - 27 MFTransparency presented on Pricing, Profits, Financing and Responsible Practice at the Microlumbia 5th Annual Microfinance Conference. View the presentation here.
MFTransparency presents at 4th Annual San Diego Micro-Finance Summit, USA Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2012 - 04 - 04 MFTransparency presented at the 4th Annual San Diego Microfinance Summit, discussing how transparent pricing is essential for responsible finance. View this presentation here.
MFTransparency’s Social Performance Task Force Training Webinar Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2012 - 04 - 02 In April 2012, MFTransparency presented at a training webinar organized by Social Performance Task Force on understanding the prices charged by Microfinance Institutions. View the presentation here.
MFTransparency presents at 6th Annual Penn Microfinance Conference, USA Presentation Consumer Protection, Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2012 - 03 - 24 MFTransparency presented at the 6th Annual Penn Microfinance Conference on ‘’The Need for Policies to Motivate Responsible Practice in Microfinance”. View this presentation here.
New Consumer Education Resources from MFTransparency MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Financial Education 2012 - 03 - 16 As part of MFTransparency’s enabling APR & EIR Program, financial education experts have developed a universal pricing education package, aimed at consumers of microloans. These resources have been developed to be tailorable, aknowledging the diversity of Africa's communities.
MFTransparency presents at MFCNY event, New York, USA Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2012 - 03 - 08 Chuck WaterField presented on the topic of ‘’Balancing Impact with profits through responsible pricing’’ at the event organized by Microfinance Club of New York to highlight David Roodman’s new Book Due Diligence: An Impertinent Inquiry into Microfinance. View the presentation here.
New Country Surveys from MFTransparency Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative, Regulation & Policy 2012 - 02 - 22 For each of the countries in which MFTransparency works a thorough review is conducted, known as a Country Survey, outlining national socio-economic, political and historic factors. Summarizing the country specific context, Country Surveys form a valuable backdrop against which to examine a market’s pricing data.
Pricing Transparency: Oikocredit Interviews Chuck Waterfield External Media Responsible Finance 2012 - 02 - 10 Oikocredit Blog: Chuck Waterfield talks with Oikocredit about pricing methodologies and the progress that has been made in pricing transparency.
Mozambique Data Launch Mozambique Announcements Data Collection, MFT Event 2012 - 02 - 06 On February 6, 2012 MFTransparency will unveil the microloan pricing data collected as part of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mozambique
CEO Working Group Road Map for the Microfinance Industry External Media Responsible Finance 2012 - 01 - 26 A group of eight CEOs of nonprofit microfinance organizations has issued a “Road Map for the Microfinance Industry: Focusing on Responsible and Client-Centered Microfinance" highlighting their support for MFTransparency.
Ethiopia’s practice of responsible pricing Ethiopia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2012 - 01 - 19 MFTransparency’s work in Ethiopia has provided a unique insight into a market where several MFIs have achieved financial and operational sustainability whilst at the same time maintaining a strong social mission and very low product pricing.
Rwanda: Ignorance Weighs Down Access to Loans External Media Financial Education 2012 - 01 - 18 All Africa: Limited knowledge about the products, costs as well as charges by financial institutions is halting access to finance for small and micro businesses, according to experts. Jessica Massie, a consultant with Microfinance Transparency notes that most borrowers lack basic knowledge about financial products offered by lenders, particularly bank charges, interest rates and the cost of a product.
New Resources from African Microfinance Transparency Leadership Forum MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2012 - 01 - 12 In October 2011, MFTransparency hosted the African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum in Nairobi, Kenya. This was the first event of its kind, bringing together policymakers, regulators, networks and a host of industry experts to discuss issues related to pricing transparency in African microfinance markets.
Tailored trainings on Pricing in West Africa: Improving Pricing Practices at Institutional Level MFTransparency Blog Financial Education, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 12 - 27 During the past few months MFTransparency, has been offering direct trainings and technical assistance to MFIs participating in The Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa.
Microfinance controversies: should international aid support microfinance? External Media Consumer Protection, Financial Education, Responsible Finance 2011 - 12 - 23 RESULTS: An interesting recent initiative that is opening up the interest rates charged in the sector to greater scrutiny is MicroFinance Transparency. Data is currently being collected for India, with 80 MFIs (including SKS) having provided data so far.
Philippine Regulation on Pricing Transparency Philippines MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2011 - 12 - 19 This short article presents the main points of the Philippine's updated guidelines on the Truth in Lending Act to Enhance Pricing Transparency, released in July 2011.
Shaping the Path in Financial Literacy MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2011 - 11 - 29 In the case of pricing transparency, regulators and networks can work to shape the path for clients and MFIs by providing simple, standardized, accessible “buckets” that contain understandable information about how much credit really costs.
Mexican microfinance comes under spotlight in duel of words External Media Responsible Finance 2011 - 11 - 17 microDINERO: A new round of what is thought the most persistent rivalry in the microfinance industry played out at this month’s Global Microfinance Summit in Valladolid, Spain, with Mexico’s Compartamos Banco in one corner and the U.S. organization MFTransparency in the other.
First Five Microfinance Institutions in Ethiopia Submit Pricing Data Ethiopia Announcements Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 11 - 16 Wasasa, Harbu, Metemamen, Digaf and Poverty Eradication and Community Empowerment (PEACE) are the first five microfinance institutions to participate in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ethiopia by submitting microloan product information and pricing data
Microfinance IPOs – downfall or salvation? External Media Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2011 - 11 - 16 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency CEO Chuck Waterfield debates the role of IPOs in microfinance at the Microcredit Summit.
An interest-ing workshop at Global Microcredit Summit External Media Responsible Finance 2011 - 11 - 15 Microfinance Focus: In only three short years, MFTransparency has become ubiquitous in the industry. This is in part, no doubt, because its CEO Chuck Waterfield is an impressive and engaging speaker. But much more, it’s because transparency in pricing is a concept whose time has most definitely come.
History of profiting from the poor MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2011 - 11 - 14 In November 2011, Chuck Waterfield wrote a guest blog for GAP, entitled “A Quick Journey Through the History of Usury: Commercialization and profiting from the poor“, as part of their series on microfinance commercialization. To read this blog on the CGAP website please click here   A Quick Journey Through the History of Usury: Commercialization […]
Forúm de Líderes Africanos: Acerca da Divulgação de Informação Padronizada do Preçário de Créditos MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 11 - 11 Durante o Forúm de Líderes Africanos para a Transparência de Preços nas Microfinanças, realizado no mês de Outubro em Nairobi, participei numa mesa redonda onde se discutia acerca da padronização da documentação do preçário dos créditos.
Rwanda Data Launch Webinar Q&A Rwanda MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2011 - 11 - 07 Many insightful questions were raised at the Rwanda data launch. This article answers many of these questions.
Responsible microfinance: Regulators agree on the fundamental questions to be answered MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 11 - 04 A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to participate in the African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum in Nairobi, Kenya hosted by MicroFinance Transparency. This forum brought together policymakers, regulators, consumer advocacy associations, networks and industry actors from over 20 African countries.
MFTransparency presents at MicroCredit Summit, 2011, Valladolid, Spain Spain Presentation Industry Event, Investments, Responsible Finance 2011 - 11 - 03 MFTransparency’s Chuck Waterfield presented two key pieces of work at the 2011 Microcredit Summit on defining ethical pricing, and danger of IPOs to microfinance values. View these presentations here
Promover os preços transparentes na indústria de microfinanças de Moçambique MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 10 - 28 O lançamento da Iniciativa para Preços Transparentes em Moçambique teve lugar no dia 23 de Agosto de 2011 em Maputo. Durante este evento, Alexandra Fiorillo, Vice Presidente & COO da MicroFinance Transparency, apresentou uma palestra técnica sobre a fixação de preços transparentes como elemento fundamental para a competitividade da indústria e da protecção dos clientes.
Declining balance interest rates better for microfinance borrowers External Media Understanding Prices 2011 - 10 - 27 Microfinance Focus: Widespread adoption of the declining balance interest rate calculation method is better for microfinance borrowers, and the market as a whole.
MFTransparency Interview in the BlueOrchard Social Performance Report 2011 External Media Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 10 - 27 BlueOrchard: "Pricing transparency is indispensable to improve MFI performance, attract capital and most importantly, protect the client and allow them to choose the best services for their needs."
MFTransparency presents to Investment Community, New York Presentation Industry Event 2011 - 10 - 25 In October 2011, MFTransparency presented to social investors at a Credit Suisse Investor Conference. The problems of non-transparent pricing were highlighted together with the need for the investment community to take an active role in promoting pricing transparency.
African Policymakers Outline the Way Forward in Transparent Pricing MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 10 - 24 Earlier this month MFTransparency hosted the African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum in Nairobi Kenya. This was the first event of its kind, bringing together policymakers, regulators, networks and a host of industry experts to discuss issues related to pricing transparency in African microfinance markets.
Pricing Transparency in Microfinance: No Single Price for Microloans External Media Investments, Understanding Prices 2011 - 10 - 24 Oikocredit USA: This is a continuation of Oikocredit USA’s Microfinance Investor Education Series. Alexandra Fiorillo at MicroFinance Transparency presents her second installation of MFTransparency’s three-part series on pricing transparency. This installation will take us deeper into the lack of a single price for micro-loans.
Learning the Client Perspective on Pricing: Insights from the Field MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2011 - 10 - 21 MFTransparency's financial education team in Rwanda has been learning a lot about the client perspective as we complete the first phase of our financial education pilot program. Through interviews and focus groups, we are learning directly from clients about the experience of making borrowing decisions based on price, and learning about what approaches to education are effective and which may be less effective.
Improving Microfinance Together External Media Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2011 - 10 - 20 FINCA: A new Microfinance CEO Working Group has been formed to promote strong consumer protection, meaningful transparency and development of industry standards of social performance management and measurement. The group supports MFTransparency as a critical component of this work.
Policymakers Collaborate for Transparency in Africa External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 10 - 10 Center for Financial Inclusion Blog: Last week, MFTransparency hosted the first “African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum” in Nairobi. The meeting was one of the more unique and encouraging microfinance events I’ve ever attended.
Presentations from MFTransparency’s African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum, Kenya Kenya Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 10 - 05 View the presentations from the MFTransparency ‘s African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum here
Transparent microfinance pricing in Bosnia and Herzegovina External Media Loan Documentation 2011 - 10 - 04 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency, in a paper 'Standardized Loan Documentation in Bosnia and Herzegovina’, states that the policy framework for pricing disclosure in the microfinance markets of these countries provides the industry with numerous mechanisms for facilitating transparent pricing.
MFTransparency to Bring Together Regulators of African Microfinance Markets Kenya Announcements MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 10 - 04 The African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum will provide policymakers and regulators with the opportunity to exchange their experiences in facilitating client protection and pricing disclosure in the microfinance industry.
MIX Data and Map Provide a Comprehensive View of African Financial Inclusion for the Poor External Media Consumer Protection, Financial Education 2011 - 09 - 20 MIX Market: MIX (Microfinance Information Exchange), today launched the Africa Map of Financial Inclusion for the Poor ( to help practitioners and policymakers better understand access to finance in Africa.
Webinar de Lanzamiento de Datos de Colombia: Regístrese Ahora Colombia Announcements MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 09 - 16 El 28 de septiembre del 2011, MFTransparency organizará un webinar para lanzar los datos sobre precios transparentes de microcrédito recolectados en el marco de la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Colombia.
Rwanda Data Launch Webinar: Register Now Rwanda Announcements MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 09 - 16 On September 27, 2011 MFTransparency will host a webinar to launch the transparent microloan pricing data collected in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Rwanda.
Financial Education: From Rwanda to Russia MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2011 - 09 - 16 MFTransparency's Financial Education Program is focused on developing a set of financial education materials addressing clients' ability to make decisions about borrowing based on the prices of microloans.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ethiopia at 5th African Microfinance Conference Ethiopia Presentation Industry Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 09 - 12 In September 2011 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ethiopia with a series of presentations at the 5th African Microfinance Conference and the SEEP African Regional Summit. View these presentations here.
Microfinance Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ethiopia External Media Pricing Initiative 2011 - 09 - 08 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency and the Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions (AEMFI) will launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ethiopia on September 20.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ethiopia Announcements MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 09 - 07 On September 20, 2011, MFTransparency and the Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions (AEMFI) will launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ethiopia, funded by MicroNed. The launch will take place in conjunction with the 2011 African Microfinance Conference.
MFTransparency’s Expanding Training Program: Microcredit Summit and Beyond Announcements Financial Education, Understanding Prices 2011 - 09 - 02 MFTransparency is increasingly building our education and training program, offering materials and tools, technical assistance and workshop sessions to a range of microfinance industry stakeholders. Recently this has included a special policy workshop for the Bank of Zambia, training sessions for Grameen Foundation's Bankers without Borders and collaboration with other industry initiatives such as Oikocredit's social performance sessions in Accra, Ghana and the Microfinance Council of the Philippines' (MCPI) annual conference.
Chuck Waterfield of MFTransparency Explores Ideas to Make Microfinance Prices More Transparent External Media Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 09 - 02 MicroCapital: Mr. Chuck Waterfield, founder and CEO of MFTransparency, recently contributed to the CGAP blog to suggest ideas for regulations that could encourage more transparent pricing in microfinance. He points out that most markets in which microfinance institutions (MFIs) operate lack the “Truth-in-Lending” legislation, thereby enabling them to “mask their prices” and leading to a complex pricing system.
Colombia is Moving Toward Pricing Transparency, But Can Still Improve Colombia MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2011 - 08 - 25 Policymakers in Colombia have been cautiously moving toward a transparency-based approach to pricing for microfinance, reducing their traditional reliance on interest rate caps.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mozambique Mozambique Presentation enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 08 - 23 On August 23, 2011 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mozambique with a workshop in Maputo. Topics covered included the importance and implantation of pricing transparency. View the presentations here.
16 MFIs in the Philippines submit data to MFTransparency Philippines External Media Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 08 - 21 Microfinance Focus: First 16 microfinance institutions have submitted data to the Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines which was launched by MicroFinance Transparency in March 2011.
MFTransparency on Oikocredit, CGAP and Opportunity International MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2011 - 08 - 19 MFTransparency authors have had great opportunities lately to guest blog for some leading industry organizations, including Oikocredit USA and CGAP. We are excited to share the concepts that we train industry leaders around the world in through these new channels. The following is an overview of two guest posts we've recently published.
Making Microfinance Prices More Transparent: Ideas for improving regulation External Media Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 08 - 19 CGAP: With accurate, comparable information, all stakeholders can compare the prices of loans of identical sizes and purposes and make better informed decisions.
ASA Philippines Leads the Philippine Microfinance Industry in Pricing Transparency and Client Protection Philippines Announcements Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 08 - 19 ASA Philippines Foundation is the first microfinance institution in the Philippines to submit pricing data to MFTransparency, closely followed by Ahon sa Hirap (ASHI), Rizal Microbank and Kasagana-Ka Development Center (KDCI).
MFTransparency, AMOMIF to launch Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mozambique Mozambique Announcements Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 08 - 17 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency and AMOMIF will co-host a workshop in Maputo, Mozambique on August 23, 2011 to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mozambique.
African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum Africa Region Announcements MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 08 - 17 The presence of representatives of more than 24 African countries, as well as a number of industry experts and technical assistance providers, made the African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forum a successful event. You can find the event materials here.
MFTransparency and the Mozambican Association of Microfinance Operators to Launch Initiative Mozambique Announcements Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 08 - 12 MFTransparency and the Mozambican Association of Microfinance Operators to Launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mozambique
Pricing Transparency in Microfinance: Path to Pricing Clarity in a Market for Low-Income Borrowers External Media Financial Education, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 08 - 11 Oikocredit USA: This is a continuation of Oikocredit USA’s Microfinance Investor Education Series, or MIE Series, designed to educate investors, advisors and fiduciaries about social impact issues in microfinance investing. Today’s blog is the first of a series of Guest Blogs by Alexandra Fiorillo at MicroFinance Transparency.
Kiva Recommends MFTransparency’s Recent Post on the CGAP Blog External Media Financial Education, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 08 - 09 Kiva: A hot topic in microfinance has long been cost transparency for microloans. Read about the work being done by the not-for-profit organization, MicroFinance Transparency.
MFTransparency to Speak at the Global Microcredit Summit External Media Responsible Finance 2011 - 08 - 05 MFTransparency CEO Chuck Waterfield and COO Alexandra Fiorillo will both speak at the Global Microcredit Summit to be held November 14-17, 2011 in Valladolid, Spain.
Microfinance Leaders Strive to Walk the Walk External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 08 - 03 Huffington Post: Chuck Waterfield is a gifted numbers geek whose work has helped hundreds of microfinance institutions (MFIs) better manage their financial information. In 2007, troubled by what he saw as excessive interest rates and profits at some MFIs, Chuck had the brilliant idea of collecting detailed pricing data from every MFI in a given country and publishing it in a comparable format.
MFTransparency presents at Grameen Foundation Webinar India, United States Presentation Industry Event, Pricing Initiatives, Understanding Prices 2011 - 08 - 01 In August 2011 MFTransparency delivered training to the Grameen Foundation Bankers Without Borders Initiative. View the presentations here
MFTransparency presents pricing training in Zambia, Uganda and Tanzania Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia Presentation MFT Event, Understanding Prices 2011 - 08 - 01 In August and September 2011 MFTransparency delivered training and technical assistance to financial institutions and regulators in Zambia, Uganda and Tanzania. View the training presentation here.
Conférence malienne sur la protection du consommateur en microfinance Mali MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection 2011 - 07 - 29 Lors de mon séjour au Mali dans le cadre de l’Initiative sur la Tarification Transparente, j’ai eu l’occasion de participer à l’Atelier National sur la Protection des Clients, organisé conjointement par l’Association Professionnelle des Institutions de la Microfinance du Mali (APIM/Mali) et Terrafina Microfinance.
Consumer Protection Conference in Mali Mali MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection 2011 - 07 - 29 During my stay in Mali, as part of the Transparent Pricing Initiative, I had the opportunity to participate to the National Workshop on Consumer Protection jointly organized by the Malian Microfinance Professional Association (APIM/Mali) and Terrafina Microfinance.
MFTransparency presents at MCPI Annual Conference, Philippines Presentation Consumer Protection, Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2011 - 07 - 28 In July 2011 MFTransparency presented at the MCPI Annual Conference in the Philippines, delivering training on pricing transparency and an overview of microfinance pricing in the Philippines. View this presentation here.
More Transparent Microfinance Institutes Suggested – Bangladesh Bangladesh External Media Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2011 - 07 - 27 UNB Connect: Dhaka, July 26 (UNB) – Speakers at a dialogue on microfinance Tuesday suggested greater transparency in terms of charges, terms and conditions in Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) to help the benefits of credit penetrate target groups.
6 non-practitioner microfinance leaders who shaped the industry growth External Media Responsible Finance 2011 - 07 - 27 Microfinance Focus: Microfinance Focus team has reviewed the contribution of some of these leaders and has listed out six non-practitioners who shaped the industry’s growth. Chuck Waterfield founded MicroFinance Transparency in July 2008, to enable transparent communication between suppliers and consumers of microcredit products by presenting information on credit products and their prices in a clear and consistent fashion.
MFTransparency presents at 4th Annual Asia Network Summit, Philippines Philippines Presentation Financial Inclusion, Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2011 - 07 - 26 MFTransparency presented at the fourth Annual Asia Network Summit, held in the Philippines in July 2011. View the presentation on pricing transparency here
Microfinance Investment Transparency and Evaluation – USAID Seminar MFTransparency Blog Investments 2011 - 07 - 25 Last week MFTransparency CEO Chuck Waterfield presented on a USAID-hosted panel on "Microfinance Investment Transparency and Evaluation" alongside MicroRate Managing Director & CEO Sebastian von Stauffenberg. The event was attended by more than 200 people in-person and virtually.
MFTransparency Presents at USAID’s “After Hours” seminar on microfinance investment transparency Presentation Industry Event, Investments 2011 - 07 - 20 In July 2011 MFTransparency presented as part of USAID MicroLink’s event on Microfinance Investment Transparency and Evaluation. View the presentation here
MFTransparency to host Uganda Data Launch Webinar Uganda External Media Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 07 - 19 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency will be hosting a webinar to launch the transparent microloan pricing data collected in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda on July 27, 2011.
Uganda Data Launch Webinar: Register Now Uganda Announcements MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 07 - 17 On July 27, 2011 MFTransparency will host a webinar to launch the transparent microloan pricing data collected in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda. In this webinar MFTransparency will present transparent prices for microloans offered in Uganda, information never before available, and discuss other outcomes of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda.
Financial Education: Key Component to Responsible Pricing MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Financial Education 2011 - 07 - 13 Financial education, financial literacy, and financial capabilities are hot topics in development today. They have the attention of donors and of governments all over Africa – and all over the world. Financial education is also a key activity in MFTransparency’s enabling APR & EIR Program.
Microfinance Investment Transparency and Evaluation in Washington DC, USA, and Online, July 20, 2011 External Media Investments 2011 - 07 - 12 MicroCapital: Mr Sebastian von Stauffenberg, CEO of MicroRate, and Mr Chuck Waterfield, CEO of MFTransparency will speak about transparent pricing for responsible investment, the role of investors and the microfinance evaluation landscape.
National Bank of Rwanda (NBR) Incorporates Microfinance Programs as National Strategy Rwanda External Media Financial Inclusion, Responsible Finance 2011 - 07 - 11 MicroCapital: The National Bank of Rwanda plans to implement Umurenge SACCO (Savings and Credit Cooperative), financial literacy campaigns as well as “Access to Finance” forums as part of its strategy to support the country in increasing access to finance to 80 percent of the population with a target per capita income of at least USD 1,000 by 2017.
Microfinance Investment Transparency and Evaluation External Media Investments, Responsible Finance 2011 - 07 - 06 USAID: On July 20, the CEOs of MicroRate and MFTransparency will speak about transparent pricing for responsible investment, the role of investors, and the microfinance evaluation landscape, including the Smart Campaign and Social Performance Task Force.
Launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia and Tanzania Tanzania, Zambia MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 06 - 29 Earlier this month we launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia and Tanzania with training workshops in Lusaka and Dar es Salaam. In just the first few weeks of these projects we have already learned a lot about the pricing practices in these markets and the role that MFTransparency can play in providing institutions with technical skills for implementing more transparent pricing.
HRH Princess Maxima present at the launch of Universal Standards for Social Performance External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Social Performance 2011 - 06 - 21 Social Performance Task Force: Microfinance industry stakeholders from around the world have assembled at the annual meeting of the Social Performance Task Force (SPTF). Their aim is to advance the global social performance agenda to the benefit of the microfinance client.
MFTransparency launches Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia Zambia External Media enab APR&EIR, MFT Event 2011 - 06 - 21 Microfinance Focus: MicroFinance Transparency (MFTransparency), an international non-governmental organization, on Monday launched its Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia.
Governor of the Bank of Zambia proclaims transparent pricing imperative for responsible lending Zambia MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 06 - 20 During his inaugural address at MFTransparency's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia launch, the Governor of the Bank of Zambia stated that it is “imperative that all institutions provide the price of their loans in terms of the Annual Percentage Rate rather than a monthly percentage”.
MFTransparency presents to Social Impact Investors, Netherlands Netherlands Presentation Industry Event, Investments 2011 - 06 - 20 In June 2011, MFTransparency was invited to dialogue with social investors about the the controversies in microfinance receiving such wide attention due to the India crisis. Download the presentation to SNS Asset Management's investors meeting here.
MFTransparency presents at Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting, Netherlands Netherlands Presentation Consumer Protection, Industry Event, Social Performance 2011 - 06 - 18 In June 2011 MFTransparency presented at the SPTF Annual Meeting was held in the Netherlands. View the presentation here on the problem of defining responsible practice.
The Case for Contextualizing Microloan Prices MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 06 - 17 I just returned from a two-week field trip to Argentina to meet up with local financial institutions and provide technical assistance in the data collection process. During this trip I gained some new insights on the importance of contextualizing microloan prices.
Ten Ghana based Microfinance Institutions participate in Transparent Pricing Initiative Ghana External Media Data Collection, enab APR&EIR 2011 - 06 - 16 Microfinance Focus: Ten microfinance institutions based in Ghana recently participated in MicroFinance Transparency’s Transparent Pricing Initiative by submitting their microloan product information and pricing data.
Microfinance comes under intense scrutiny for high interest rates, profits External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 06 - 16 SF Public Press: Given the size of the industry, experts say that transparency of financial information about products offered by microfinance organizations is crucial to ensuring their social impact.
MFTransparency presents at the Dubai Microfinance Club Roundtable Dubai Presentation Industry Event, Understanding Prices 2011 - 06 - 15 In June 2011 MFTransparency presented at the Dubai Microfinance Club’s Roundtable Discussion on microfinance in the Middle East. View the presentation on pricing transparency here
First Ten Microfinance Institutions in Ghana Submit Pricing Data to MFTransparency Ghana Announcements enab APR&EIR 2011 - 06 - 15 Innovative Finance Limited, Association of Progressive Entrepreneurs in Development, Community Aid for Sustainable Development, E-Life Development Agency, Initiative Development - Ghana, Opportunity International Savings and Loan Limited Ghana, Sekam Trust International, Grameen Ghana, CashPhase Ghana Limited and AIDEZ Small Project International are the first ten microfinance institutions to participate in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana.
CAMEC Nationale, Tonus Balimaya and Gueleya Kunbe lead the movement for transparency in Mali Mali Announcements Pricing Initiative 2011 - 06 - 13 CAMEC Nationale, Tonus Balimaya and Gueleya Kunbe are the first microfinance institutions to participate in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Mali by submitting microloan product information and pricing data.
MICROFINANCE MISUNDERSTANDINGS External Media Understanding Prices 2011 - 06 - 13 Beyod Profit: This article identifies five key misunderstandings about the microfinance industry, the first being the perception of exorbitant interest rates. MFTransparency seeks to address this misunderstanding by educating industry stakeholders, publishing accurate, comparable pricing data for microloan products and facilitating informed discussion about the topic of pricing.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Tanzania Tanzania Presentation enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 06 - 10 On June 20th 2011 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Tanzania with a workshop in Dar es Salam. Topics covered included the importance and implantation of pricing transparency. View the presentations here.
Transparent Pricing Initiative Launch: Remarks by the Governor of the Bank of Zambia Zambia External Media enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 06 - 10 Bank of Zambia: It is imperative that all institutions provide the price of their loans in terms of the Annual Percentage Rate rather than a monthly percentage. In this way, transparency is enhanced and consumers would have a clear picture of precisely how much they need to borrow relative to their income levels. This would result in responsible lending and a more competitive and transparent microfinance industry.
Helping or hurting: What role for microfinance in the fight against poverty? External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 06 - 10 APPG: The Social Performance Task force is now undertaking a consultation on creating ‘Universal Standards for Social Performance’, building on the work of the Smart Campaign, MicroFinance Transparency, CERISE and the Imp-Act Consortium.
MFTransparency presents at Sanabel’s 8th Annual Microfinance Conference, Jordan Jordan Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2011 - 06 - 07 In June 2011 MFTransparency presented at Sanabel’s Eighth Annual Conference in Jordan, delivering a training session on transparent pricing, the calculation of interest rates and the cost and price curve. The session won the award of “Best Session of the Conference.” View the presentation here.
The trials and tribulations of microfinance: Putting the rumours to bed External Media Understanding Prices 2011 - 06 - 07 RESULTS: MicroFinance Transparency was employed as an independent expert to investigate Grameen Bank's pricing: they found that Grameen had the most (i.e. 100%) transparent interest rates of any MFI globally (which they stated was ‘unprecedented’) and that the highest interest rate they ever charged was 22.84%.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia Zambia Presentation enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 06 - 06 On June 6, 2011 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia with a workshop in Lusaka. Topics covered included the importance and implantation of pricing transparency. View the presentations here
Opinion: Bangladesh Supreme Court decision damages microcredit success of Grameen Bank Bangladesh External Media Grameen Bank 2011 - 06 - 03 Times of Trenton: Microfinance Transparency ( and the government’s own review committee found Grameen has the lowest interest rates in the country.
MFTransparency, AMIZ Launch Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia Zambia External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiatives 2011 - 06 - 03 MicroCapital: US-based nonprofit MFTransparency and the 24-member Association of MicroFinance Institutions of Zambia (AMIZ) will co-host a workshop in Lusaka, Zambia, on June 6, 2011, effectively launching the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia, the goal of which is to publish comparable cost data on microfinance products to help poor people make informed decisions when borrowing.
New Version of the Calculating Transparent Prices Tool Now Available MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2011 - 06 - 02 A new version of MFTransparency’s “Calculating Transparent Prices Tool” is now available. MFTransparency’s most popular resource, this Excel-based tool allows users to input loan terms to analyze the cost of a particular loan product, learn how various factors influence the cost of a loan and view borrower cash flow through graphs and repayment schedules.
MFTransparency and the Association of MicroFinance Institutions of Zambia launch Initiative in Zambia Zambia Announcements enab APR&EIR 2011 - 05 - 31 On June 6, 2011 MFTransparency and the Association of MicroFinance Institutions of Zambia (AMIZ) will co-host a workshop in Lusaka, Zambia to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Zambia, the sixth country in the MasterCard Foundation-funded enabling APR & EIR Program.
MFTransparency Launches Microfinance Transparent Pricing Initiative in Guinea Bissau, Tanzania Guinea Bissau, Tanzania External Media Data Collection, enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 05 - 31 MicroCapital: MFTransparency recently announced plans to expand its Transparent Pricing Initiative to Guinea Bissau and Tanzania with the objective of collecting and publishing pricing data for microfinance products offered in each country and providing training on financial literacy for microfinance clients.
MFTransparency and the Tanzania Association of Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI) Launch Initiative in Tanzania MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 05 - 31 On June 10, 2011 MFTransparency and the Tanzania Association of Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI) will co-host a workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Tanzania, the seventh country in the MasterCard Foundation-funded enabling APR & EIR Program. A second workshop in Arusha will follow on June 13.
MFTransparency to Launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau Announcements Pricing Initiative 2011 - 05 - 27 MFTransparency will expand the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa to Guinea Bissau next month with a workshop in Bissau on Tuesday June 14th. The Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa, sponsored by Luxembourg Cooperation, is focused on promoting transparent pricing and consumer protection in microfinance throughout the countries of West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).
Putting Transparency into Practice: Communicating About Pricing External Media Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 05 - 24 Smart Campaign: This new tool, a collaboration of MFTransparency and the Smart Campaign, describes how financial service providers observe the principle of transparency, current resources that exist to help providers understand and communicate their prices to clients, and information on where providers can find more information.
Mohammad Yunus ousted of head of Grameen: full story Bangladesh External Media Grameen Bank 2011 - 05 - 23 Results: Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and a pioneer of modern microfinance, has been ousted from his position of Managing Director of the bank he founded.
MicroFinance Transparency is a TA provider for the Social Performance Start-up Fund External Media Financial Education, Understanding Prices 2011 - 05 - 18 Microfinance Centre (MFC) for CEE & NIS: MFTransparency is selected as an official technical assistance provider for the MFC Social Performance Start-up Fund for Networks.
2010 figures: Oikocredit sharpens financial and social return in 2010 External Media Investments 2011 - 05 - 16 Oikocredit: In 2010, concerns have accompanied successes in the development finance sector. For Oikocredit - one of the world's largest private microfinance financiers - the year was one of solid social and financial performance and further innovations in the field of social performance management.
Case Study: Interest Rate Cap in WAEMU Countries MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2011 - 05 - 13 One interesting pricing disclosure policy we’ve observed is the WAEMU usury cap on microloan pricing. I have been conducting research and interviews on this policy as part of a case study on how this cap was developed, implemented and what impact it has on the WAEMU microfinance markets.
Études de cas: plafonnement des taux d’intérêt dans les pays de l’UEMOA MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2011 - 05 - 13 La méthodologie de MFTransparency est une combinaison de collecte de données tarifaires et de diffusion ainsi que l'enseignement et la formation. Dans le cadre de notre série croissante de matériel pédagogique, nous travaillons sur le développement d'une série d'études de cas pour mettre en évidence des exemples intéressants de pratiques et politiques de tarification que nous observons dans le monde.
Launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines Philippines MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 05 - 01 In March, MFTransparency CEO & President Chuck Waterfield and Vice President of Global Programs Alexandra Fiorillo traveled to the Philippines to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines.
MFTransparency presents at Convergences 2015, Paris Appeal for Responsible Microfinance France Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2011 - 05 - 01 In May 2011 MFTransparency presented at Convergences 2015, at the launch of the Paris Appeal for Responsible Microfinance. View the presentation on the strengthening of pricing regulation in microfinance here.
MFTransparency launches updated pricing data for Cambodia Cambodia, Peru External Media Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 04 - 29 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency, an international non-governmental organization recently published an updated pricing data for Cambodia for 2010, building on the original dataset published in 2009.
MFTransparency Publishes Updated Pricing Data for Cambodia Cambodia MFTransparency Blog Data Collection 2011 - 04 - 28 MFTransparency has published updated pricing data for Cambodia for 2010, building on the original dataset published in 2009. Cambodia was one of the initial countries where MFTransparency collected true-cost microloan product pricing data and is the first country worldwide to complete the data updating process.
Rwanda: Microfinance Association Urged On Transparency Rwanda External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 04 - 26 allAfrica: The Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) has urged Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) to ensure transparency and mitigate business risks.
Can Industry Data and Transparency Strengthen Microfinance? Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka External Media Data Collection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 04 - 25 CGAP: CGAP has long viewed information and transparency as a crucial component in shaping the microfinance industry. We have come to expect that consistent, reliable data strengthens microfinance performance and policy dialog.
MFTransparency Presents Initial Results of the Transparent Pricing Initiative at the Microfinance Congress in Colombia Colombia MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2011 - 04 - 21 MFTransparency recently took part in the “Segundo Congreso de la Industria de las Microfinanzas en Colombia”, organized by Asomicrofinanzas, the national association of MFIs, held in the coastal city of Santa Marta on the 31st of March and 1st of April 2011. This industry-wide event provided a platform for us to present the preliminary results of our Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia, sponsored by the Ford Foundation.
MFTransparency presenta sus datos iniciales durante el Segundo Congreso de Microfinanzas de Colombia Colombia MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 04 - 21 MFTransparency ha participado en el Segundo Congreso de la Industria de las Microfinanzas en Colombia, organizado por Asomicrofinanzas, el gremio de este subsector de la economía nacional, el 31 de marzo y el 1 de abril, en la ciudad de Santa Marta. En él, tuvimos la ocasión de presentar los resultados preliminares de Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Colombia, patrocinada por la Fundación Ford.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana: Launched and On-going! Ghana MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR 2011 - 04 - 15 The enabling APR & EIR Program recently expanded to Ghana, now active in Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa and Ghana. The launch in Ghana was successful, meet with enthusiasm from a wide range of industry stakeholders.
MFTransparency and MIX Market External Media Understanding Prices 2011 - 04 - 07 The MIX: In the past week, both David Roodman and MFTransparency have posted on the relationship between yields and APRs for microfinance institutions. We are happy to see the dialogue deepen on what we really know about what MFIs charge their clients. Both posts shed good insight onto what APR and yield are and are not.
Rural bankers embrace more transparent services Philippines External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 04 - 07 Manila Times: Last month, the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP) and MFTransparency, a global network advocating transparency among microfinance institutions, and the Microfinance Council of the Philippines held the Transparent Pricing Initiative forum to promote primarily responsibility among financial institutions in providing information to their clients.
MFTransparency presents at 9th Annual WWB Microfinance Conference, New York United States Presentation Industry Event, Investments 2011 - 04 - 06 In April 2011 MFTransparency presented at the 9th Annual WWB Microfinance and the Capital Markets Conference on the issue of pricing transparency and over-indebtedness. View the presentation here.
MFTransparency Colombia Data Launch Conference Colombia Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 03 - 31 On March 31st 2011 MFTransparency launched the results of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia, with a two day conference in Santa Marta. View the event presentations here.
Uncovering Grameen Banks interest rate riddle Bangladesh External Media Understanding Prices 2011 - 03 - 31 The Financial Express: The MFTransparency report will verify that the allegations of charging 30 per cent interest on loans and an additional 10 percent in "forced savings" is manifestly false and utterly ill-conceived. The interest rates on all four categories of loans have been verified by MicroFinance Transparency, a USA based, globally recognized, international certification agency.
Microfinance industry needs to implement reforms, reorientation Philippines External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 03 - 29 The Philippine Star: Recently, MicroFinance Transparancy (MFTransparency) was in the Philippines to try to make some sense of all the disturbing feedback on the once-hailed answer to poverty. MFTransparency representatives held one-day seminars in three key regions to explain its advocacy for transparency in pricing of microfinance products.
Lanzamiento de Datos de Colombia Colombia MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2011 - 03 - 28 MFTransparency tiene el placer de invitarlos al Segundo Congreso de la Industria de Microfinanzas en Colombia, en el cual MFTransparency llevará a cabo su lanzamiento oficial de los datos recolectados a lo largo de nuestra Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Colombia. El Congreso tendrá lugar en Santa Marta el jueves 31 de marzo y el viernes 1 de abril del 2011.
MFTransparency v. MIX Market MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy, Understanding Prices 2011 - 03 - 28 In a recent post on his Open Book Blog, David Roodman discusses the difference between the pricing information provided by MFTransparency and the MIX Market. This is essentially the difference between portfolio yield, used by the MIX as a proxy for price, and the product-specific pricing information published by MFTransparency.
Colombia Data Launch Conference Colombia MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 03 - 28 MFTransparency would like to invite all stakeholders of the Colombian microfinance industry to the Segundo Congreso de la Industria de Microfinanzas en Colombia, where MFTransparency will officially launch the data collected during the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia. The conference will take place in Santa Marta on Thursday March 31 and Friday April 1, 2011.
Microfinance in Africa – a call for greater transparency External Media Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 03 - 28 How We Made it in Africa: Pricing transparency is an initiative which could provide some integrity to the industry, by communicating product pricing to consumers, thereby empowering them with choices amongst other things. MFTransparency, an initiative to promote the integrity of microfinance as a poverty alleviation practice, is active in 18 countries in Africa.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines Philippines Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 03 - 24 On March 24, 2011 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines with an event in Manila (Luzon). Topics covered included the importance and implantation of pricing transparency. View the presentations here
Announcing new, exciting features for summer 2011! External Media Consumer Protection, Data Collection 2011 - 03 - 22 The MIX: In response to the clear mandate that we have received from you and your peers, I am excited to announce that this summer, with the generous support of Omidyar Network, MIX will release a series of premium, fee-based services designed to better meet the business needs among our users, while furthering our mission of transparency.
MFTransparency, RBAP and MCPI to Launch Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines Philippines External Media Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2011 - 03 - 21 MicroCapital: MFTransparency, a US-based nongovernmental organization (NGO) that aims to provide information on credit products and pricing, is expanding its Transparent Pricing Initiative to the Philippines in partnership with Microfinance Council of the Philippines, a trade association of microfinance organizations in the Philippines, and Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP), a Philippines-based organization founded in 1955 to promote the rural banking industry.
Microcredit Deserves Support, Not Suppression External Media Consumer Protection, Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2011 - 03 - 21 CGAP Microfinance Blog: Owing to its innovative program design and practices, microcredit reaches many poor people who lack access to formal finance. This is clearly a major gain that protects the poor and other disadvantaged groups from resorting to informal loans at extortionate rates.
MFTransparency and the Microfinance Council of the Philippines to Launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines Philippines MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 03 - 20 On Thursday March 24, 2011 MFTransparency, the Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) and the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP) will co-host a workshop in Manila (Luzon) to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in the Philippines.
Reflecting on the Year 2010 Kenya External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 03 - 20 Kenya Women Finance Trust: KWFT's social performance commitment was also expressed by various disclosures and reports to interested institutions including MicroFinance Transparency (MFT) and the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) Market.
MFTransparency reports on microloan pricing India India External Media Data Collection, Financial Education, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 03 - 16 Oikocredit: MicroFinance Transparency has published microloan product pricing data for the Indian microfinance market on its website. The data submitted by 82 Indian microfinance institutions account for approximately 80% of the estimated total Indian market.
Free Workshop: Learn Microfinance Transparency from the Experts Philippines External Media Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2011 - 03 - 15 Microenterprise Access to Banking Services: Brought to you by MicroFinance Transparency (MFTransparency), the Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) and the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP), this workshop features microfinance experts Chuck Waterfield, MFTransparency CEO and President, and Alexandra Fiorillo, Vice President for Global Programs.
Kenyan President urges banks to lower lending rates Kenya External Media Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 03 - 14 Making Finance Work for Africa: Mwai Kibaki, President of Kenya, has urged banks and financial institutions in the country to lower their lending interest rates to help facilitate credit access to the population, Bloomberg reports.
Microfinance Conference to begin Thursday Colombia External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2011 - 03 - 13 Colombia Reports: There will numerous presentations at the conference addressing issues such as the state of the microfinance industry, the opportunities it presents for Latin America, challenges for the industry in 2011, and price transparency in Colombia.
Indian Microfinance: Achievement of Transparent Pricing India MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, MFT Event 2011 - 03 - 12 On February 25, 2011 MFTransparency hosted the national conference "Indian Microfinance: Achievement of Transparent Pricing", attended by a range of Indian microfinance industry stakeholders including leading MFIs, MFI networks and regulators.
West African Transparent Pricing Workshop Senegal MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2011 - 03 - 08 On March 3, 2011 MFTransparency and Grameen Crédit Agricole Microfinance Foundation co-hosted the West African Transparent Pricing Workshop in Dakar, Senegal. This event brought together regulators, microfinance institutions, MFI networks and a range of industry support organizations for presentations and training on transparent pricing in the specific context of the microfinance markets under the supervision of the BCEAO.
MFTransparency hosts West African Transparent Pricing Workshop Senegal Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2011 - 03 - 03 On March 3rd MFTransparency hosted the West African Transparent Pricing Workshop in Senegal. Sessions focused on microloan pricing, interest rate disclosure and consumer protection regulation. View these presentations here.
MFTransparency presents to Reserve Bank of India India Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 02 - 28 On February 28th 2011 MFTransparencypresented to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) the results of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India. View these presentations here.
MIX Brings Social Performance to the Forefront of Microfinance External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Responsible Finance 2011 - 02 - 26 The MIX: Thanks to the support of the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation and the Ford Foundation, the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX), the industry’s leading source for financial and social performance data, now offers funders and other stakeholders easy access to social performance information in conjunction with financial performance information.
MFTransparency’s India Data Launch Conference India Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 25 On February 25th 2011 MFTransparency launched the results of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India, presented sessions explaining how to interpret the data and what the future holds for microfinance pricing. View the presentations here
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana Ghana Presentation enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 25 On February 25, 2011 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana with a workshop in Accra. Topics covered included the importance and implantation of pricing transparency. View the presentations here.
MFTransparency and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Microfinance Foundation to Host the West Africa Event Senegal External Media Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 02 - 25 Microfinance Africa: MFTransparency and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Microfinance Foundation have partnered to host the West African Transparent Pricing Workshop on Thursday, March 3rd in Dakar, Senegal. This groundbreaking event will bring together microfinance practitioners, networks, government officials and regulators for a one-day training workshop to promote pricing transparency standards followed by a half-day conference on current topics in West African microfinance markets.
MFTransparency and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Microfinance Foundation to Host the West African Transparent Pricing Workshop in Senegal Senegal MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2011 - 02 - 24 MFTransparency and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Microfinance Foundation have partnered to host the West African Transparent Pricing Workshop on Thursday, March 3rd in Dakar, Senegal.
MFTransparency and the Ghana Micro Finance Institutions Network to Launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana Ghana Announcements enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 24 On Friday, February 25, 2011 MFTransparency and the Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network (GHAMFIN) will co-host a workshop in Accra, Ghana to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ghana, the third country in the MasterCard Foundation-funded enabling APR & EIR Program.
First MFIs to Participate inTransparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda Uganda MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 21 Micro Enterprise Development Uganda (MedNet), Kacita and Y-Save are the first microfinance institutions to participate in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda by submitting microloan product information and pricing data.
MFTransparency to organize ‘India Data Launch Conference’ India External Media Data Collection, MFT Event 2011 - 02 - 15 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency will launch the ‘India Data Launch Conference’ in Mumbai on February 25, 2011. The conference will be the formal launch event for the newly published India market data, currently available on the MFTransparency website.
India Data Launch Conference India MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, MFT Event 2011 - 02 - 14 MFTransparency would like to invite all stakeholders of the Indian microfinance industry to the India Data Launch Conference in Mumbai on February 25. This conference will be the formal launch event for the newly published India market data, currently available on the MFTransparency website (
Bolivia Data Launch Part 3: Industry Dialogue for Practical Change Bolivia MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 02 - 10 In this third part of Jessica Haeussler's blog series on the Bolivia Data Launch Conference, she shares a brief summary of the group sessions and panel discussions facilitating dialogue on pricing transparency at the event in La Paz.
Lancement de la Transparence de Tarification en Microfinance au Bénin par MFTransparency Benin MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 08 Le lancement de la transparence de tarification en microfinance au Benin a bénéficié du partenariat local du Fonds National de la Microfinance (FNM), du Consortium Alafia (Association Professionnelle des SFD au Bénin) et de la Cellule de Surveillance des Structures Financières Décentralisées (CSSFD).
Pricing Data for the Indian Microfinance Market released India External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 02 - 07 India Microfinance Business News: MicroFinance Transparency has completed an analysis of microloan pricing in India and has made the results available on it’s website.
Microfinance Pricing Report by MFTransparency External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2011 - 02 - 06 Darashaw: Amid the hue and cry following the Andhra crisis that has been defined by many analysts and commentators as a “mid-life crisis”, MFTransparency, in collaboration with Citi Foundation, MFIN, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation and Standard Chartered has come out with the India Pricing Data Report.
Malawi Data Launch Webinar: Register Now Malawi MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 04 On February 9, 2011 MFTransparency will host a webinar to launch the transparent microloan pricing data collected in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi. In this webinar MFTransparency will present transparent prices for microloans offered in Malawi, information never before available, and discuss other outcomes of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi.
Lancement de la transparence de tarification en Microfinance par MFTransparency au Togo Togo MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 03 Mardi 18 janvier 2011 s’est tenu à Lomé, l’atelier de lancement de l’Initiative sur la Transparence des Coûts au Togo, 3ème pays de l’UEMOA à rejoindre le projet.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Data for the Indian Microfinance Market India MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 02 - 02 LANCASTER, PA USA & NEW DELHI, INDIA February 2, 2011 – For the first time in history, true-cost microloan product pricing data for the Indian microfinance market is now publicly available. MicroFinance Transparency has completed an analysis of microloan pricing in India and shares the results on its website.
India Pricing Data – Introduction India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 31 MFTransparency's work is founded on the principle that data must be accompanied by education and descriptive information. To maximize the value for users of the India pricing dataset, we have prepared an in-depth analytical report.
AMT Members Encouraged to Participate in Transparent Pricing Initiative External Media Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 31 African Microfinance Transparency: In this African Microfinance Transparency (AMT) year-end review, "2010 in a Nutshell", all AMT members from 20 different countries are encouraged to submit their data to MFTransparency's Transparent Pricing Initiative.
MFTransparency presents at the Responsible Finance Forum, The Hague, Netherlands Netherlands Presentation Financial Inclusion, Industry Event, Investments, Responsible Finance 2011 - 01 - 27 In January 2011 MFTransparency presented at the Responsible Finance Forum. This event saw the launch of the Principles for Investors in Inclusive Finance. View the presentation here.
Usury Rates in Colombia Colombia MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 27 MFTransparency's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia is meeting with great success, 22 MFIs having already submitted their data and 4 more currently underway with the data collection process.
Bolivia Data Launch Part 2: Pricing Data Analysis Bolivia MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Regulation & Policy 2011 - 01 - 18 In today’s blog post, I’d like to share some insights into the pricing data we launched at our industry conference in La Paz. Our current dataset includes all members of the local microfinance networks ASOFIN and FINRURAL, as well as all but one of the MFIs reporting to the MIX.
Bolivia Data Launch Part 1: MFTransparency Industry Conference in La Paz Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Data Collection 2011 - 01 - 14 Thanks to the overwhelming support from MFIs and stakeholders of the Bolivian microfinance community, we reached a major milestone last month: We launched MFTransparency’s brand new pricing data for the Bolivian microfinance sector, featuring 100% of ASOFIN and FINRURAL membership participation.
West Africa: U.S. Organisation to Extend Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative Benin, Togo External Media Data Collection, enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 13 allAfrica: MicroFinance Transparency (MFTransparency) will expand the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa to Togo and Benin this month with a workshop in Lome on January 18 and Cotonou on January 25, 2011.
MFTransparency Launches Microloan Pricing Data at Industry Conference in Quito, Ecuador Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, MFT Event 2011 - 01 - 13 Some exciting recent accomplishments of MFTransparency's Latin America team are the data launch conferences we recently hosted in Ecuador and Bolivia. In this blog post, I’d like to share a summary of the Ecuador conference which took place in Quito on November 30.
MFTransparency to Launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Togo and Benin Benin, Togo Announcements MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 12 MFTransparency will expand the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa to Togo and Benin this month with a workshop in Lome on January 18 and Cotonou on January 25.
Transparent Pricing Training in the Hague, Netherlands MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 06 MFTransparency will be in attendance at the Microfinance Responsible Finance Forum to be held in The Hague, Netherlands, on January 27. For those planning to attend, we look forward to seeing you there.
Microlenders, Honored With Nobel, Are Struggling India External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2011 - 01 - 06 New York Times: “We at microfinance have a job to do to make it easier for politicians to support us,” said Alex Counts, the chief executive of the Grameen Foundation. “Rather than make claims that get out in front of the research, we need to impose on ourselves the discipline of transparency about poverty reduction.”
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Rwanda Rwanda External Media enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 03 The East African: The following articles have been published about the launch of MFTransparency's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Rwanda.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Rwanda Rwanda MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2011 - 01 - 03 The following articles have been published about the launch of MFTransparency's Transparent Pricing Initiative in Rwanda.
Representation to the Malegam Committee on microfinance External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 27 Microfinance Focus: Regulation should consider setting limits on extent of private ownership, limits of profits (in terms of ROE and ROA), restriction on accessing capital markets for equity in the initial years (say 7 years) and limits on executive remuneration. The transparency in disclosure could be implemented through organizations such as MicroFinance Transparency which is working on pricing transparency in the country.
MicroFinance Transparency Presents Inaugural Newsletter External Media MFT Event 2010 - 12 - 22 Microfinance Gateway: Over the past year, the microfinance industry has made real progress toward transparent pricing, translating our stated commitment to responsible practice into action. MicroFinance Transparency is excited to share accomplishments through the first MicroFinance Transparency Newsletter.
Aid vs Trade: A Solution for Microfinance in Africa? MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2010 - 12 - 21 I was recently having a debate with some friends about which is best for Africa’s development: trade or aid. This is an ongoing debate in different forums on the continent where arguments for both positions are presented. When it comes to microfinance in general, the debate is more akin to social vs commercial, or profit vs nonprofit. In discussing microfinance in Africa specifically, it can be interesting to phrase this debate in the aid vs trade framework.
Epargne obligatoire et calcul du TEG Senegal MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 12 - 21 Si c’est le microcrédit qui fait le plus parler de lui lorsqu’il est question de microfinance, l’offre de services d’épargne n’en est pas moins intéressante. Au même titre que le crédit, l’épargne répond à un besoin pour les populations non bancarisées, qui ne perçoivent pas toujours des revenus réguliers et qui doivent faire face aux aléas du quotidien.
MFTransparency en MicAméricas-BID Uruguay MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, MFT Event 2010 - 12 - 20 Como mencionamos en una de nuestras últimas entradas al blog, MFTransparency en Foromic, MicroFinance Transparency tuvo la oportunidad de participar en el Foro de la Microempresa (Foromic) organizado por el BID y FOMIN en Uruguay a principios del mes de Octubre.
L’accès au financement et le taux d’intérêt du secteur de la Microfinance en Afrique de l’ouest MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2010 - 12 - 20 Le financement est généralement le talon d’Achille des IMFs particulièrement en Afrique de l’ouest, c’est un des éléments les plus déterminants du fonctionnement de l’IMF.
Best Case: Transparency in Microfinance External Media Understanding Prices 2010 - 12 - 17 Digital Development Debates: Microfinance, originally a donor-funded innovation of the non-profit world, now more often makes headlines for its movement towards commercialization. As the debate about profit and social responsibility heats up, the importance of pricing transparency is growing increasingly apparent.
Bulletin d’information de MicroFinance Transparency MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 15 En travaillant dans le secteur de la microfinance, je suis constamment inspiré.
Boletín de MicroFinance Transparency MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 15 Mi trabajo en la industria de las microfinanzas, me sirve constantemente de inspiración. Tengo el honor de trabajar junto a personas dedicadas no sólo a ofrecer servicios financieros a personas en situación de pobreza, sino también a hacerlo mejor cada día.
MicroFinance Transparency Newsletter MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 14 Working in the microfinance industry, I am constantly inspired. I am honored to work alongside people devoted not only to offering financial services to poor people, but to doing it better every day.
MFI’s urged on transparent pricing Rwanda External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 12 The New Times: Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Rwanda will start using transparent pricing through MFTransparency's Transparent Pricing Initiative, an initiative that aims at improving and promoting consumer protection. Ambassador Claver Gatete the Vice governor of the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) who launched the initiative yesterday said it will build trust and confidence of MFI customers.
Clients are vulnerable and fragile External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 07 Financial Times: The microfinance industry needs more transparency so that consumers, investors and donors know what they each expect, including the risks and the unintended consequences. There are a number of initiatives in this line. MFTransparency is an example.
New initiative to control microfinance interest rates launched External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 12 - 06 Daily Monitor: The initiative is a joint venture between the Association of Micro Finance Institutions of Uganda and MicroFinance Transparency. According to Ms Alexandra Fiorillo, the MicroFinance Transparency Vice President, the initiative will provide training on transparent pricing to different industry stakeholders including microfinance institutions, regulators and funders.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda Uganda Presentation enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 12 - 03 In December 2010 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda with a workshop in Kampala. Topics covered included the importance and implementation of pricing transparency. View the presentations here.
European Microfinance Platform Urges for Rational Response to Indian Crisis External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 02 European Microfinance Platform: The importance of financial and social performance needs to be emphasised at all levels of the microfinance chain. The European Microfinance Platform’s (e-MFP’s) work to date on responsible practices and its support of “The Smart Campaign for Microfinance Consumer Protection” and the “MicroFinance Transparency” initiative defending fair, transparent and responsible pricing are practical steps taken to ensure that European actors promote socially responsible microfinance principles.
MFTransparency presents at European Microfinance Week, 2010 Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2010 - 12 - 01 In December 2010, MFTransparency presented as part of European Microfinance Platform’s discussion on responsible pricing in microfinance. View this presentation here.
Launch of data from Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia Bolivia Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 12 - 01 In December 2010 MFTransparency presented the results of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia. View the data launch presentations here, in Spanish.
Launch of data from Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador Ecuador Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 12 - 01 In December 2010 MFTransparency presented the results of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador. View the data launch presentation here, in Spanish.
Calculating Transparent Prices in Malawi – Overview of Methodology Malawi MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 12 - 01 What really is the true price of a loan? Is there just one way to calculate the price? The Malawi Market Graph illustrates several prices of microfinance products offered in Malawi.
La Herramienta de MFTransparency “Calculando Precios Transparentes” MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 11 - 29 La Herramienta de MFTransparency “Calculando Precios Transparentes”, diseñada sobre la base del programa Excel puede ser utilizada para analizar el coste de un producto crediticio individual. Esta herramienta sirve para comprender las maneras en las cuáles diferentes factores afectan el costo total de un préstamo.
Una metodología simple External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 11 - 24 Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo: Cómo es el procedimiento de MFTransparency para explicar cómo se forman los precios de los microcréditos.
Los cazadores del precio perdido External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 11 - 24 Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo: Una iniciativa global de MFTransparency quiere derribar las prácticas poco transparentes de la industria para contribuir a la competitividad. Los consumidores, agradecidos.
Crisis by Invitation External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 11 - 22 CGAP Microfinance Blog: MFTransparency board member Narasimhan Srinivasan writes about responsible microfinance in this special series on the situation in the microfinance market of Andhra Pradesh.
Interview with Chuck Waterfield of MicroFinance Transparency External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 11 - 15 Microfinance Insights: Chuck Waterfield discusses current issues in the Indian microfinance industry while at the 2010 annual Microfinance India Summit.
How to fix flaws in the present microfinance model External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 11 - 15 The Economic Times: "When dealing with the poor, boards of MFIs should decide what constitutes a reasonable profit. Good governance demands a laxman rekha," says N Srinivasan, chairman of the US-based coalition MicroFinance Transparency (MFT).
Update on the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 11 - 11 MFTransparency would like to announce that the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India is continuing forward with a heightened sense of responsibility to support the sector in this time of change. In April 2010, the Indian microfinance industry invited MFTransparency to facilitate a transition to transparent microcredit pricing.
Winners Announced at First Annual Microfinance Recognition Awards External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 11 - 11 Microfinance Africa: On Tuesday 26th October 2010, Hanson Wade’s inaugural Microfinance Recognition Awards were launched in Washington D.C to celebrate those who have contributed innovative and original work within the Microfinance industry. MFTransparency received the award for Commitment to Social Performance and Transparency.
Jornada Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador Ecuador External Media Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 11 - 10 Portal de Microfinanzas: El proximo 30 de noviembre se celebrará en el Hotel Dann Carlton en Quito la Jornada Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador organizada por MFTransparency, una iniciativa a escala mundial a favor de la asignación de precios transparentes y responsables en la industria de las microfinanzas.
MFTransparency to launch transparent pricing data in Ecuador Ecuador External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 11 - 10 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency will host a conference for launching the data of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador on November 30, 2010 in Quito, Ecuador. The event is organized in collaboration with the local microfinance network Red Financiera Rural (RFR)
Jornada Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador Ecuador MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 11 - 08 El próximo 30 de noviembre se celebrará en el Hotel Dann Carlton en Quito la Jornada Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador organizada por MFTransparency, una iniciativa a escala mundial a favor de la asignación de precios transparentes y responsables en la industria de las microfinanzas.
Conference Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador Ecuador MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 11 - 08 MFTransparency, a global initiative working to bring pricing transparency to the microfinance industry, will host a conference marking the data launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador on November 30, 2010 at the Hotel Dann Carlton in Quito, Ecuador.
Indian State Tightens Microcredit Rules Amid Suicide Scare India External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 11 - 08 Voice of America: Chuck Waterfield, the CEO of the U.S.-based MFTransparency says the questionable practices in Andhra Pradesh are affecting only a small percentage of India's 50 million microfinance clients. But he says these loan-shark tactics are a byproduct of the increasing competition among microfinance lenders.
MFTransparency presents at the SEEP Annual Conference 2010, Virginia, USA United States Presentation Financial Inclusion, Industry Event 2010 - 11 - 02 On November 2 2010, MFTransparency attended at the SEEP Annual Conference, presenting on the topic of Newspaper Headline Risk for MFIs. View the presentation here.
A Conversation with Paul Arias, CEO of CREDIFE Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 28 MFTransparency and its strategic implementation partner, Red Financiera Rural (RFR) launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador in April this year, with transparency workshops in Quito, Ambato and Guayaquil. The Ecuador Initiative is sponsored by the Ford Foundation to promote responsible and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry in Latin America.
Entrevista con Paul Arias, Gerente General de CREDIFE Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 28 MFTransparency y su socio estratégico, la Red Financiera Rural (RFR) lanzaron la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador con 3 talleres en Quito, Ambato y Guayaquil en abril del presente año, la cual está patrocinada por la Fundación Ford para promover precios responsables y transparentes en la industria de las microfinanzas en América Latina.
Calculating Transparent Prices in India – Overview of Methodology India MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 28 What really is the true price of a loan? The true price of a loan takes into consideration pricing techniques that influence the amount of money a client actually has and the amount of time the client has use of that money.
Calculating Effective Interest Rates Using Cashflow Discounting MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 10 - 26 In a previous post, I described the technique that computer programs like Microsoft Excel use to calculate the XIRR (effective interest rate) as a very smart version of "guess and check." The post on Newton's Method described how the "guessing" part works, but it did not describe how the computer is able to finally verify when it has the correct EIR figure -- the "check" part.
Trends Observed in Malawi Data Collection Malawi MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 22 MFTransparency recently launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi. The Initiative has received strong support from the Malawian microfinance industry from the start, which has continued into the data collection phase. I want to share with you some of the trends we’ve observed so far regarding pricing practices, group lending and repayment schedules in the Malawian microfinance industry.
MFTransparency to launch pricing data for microloans in Bolivia Bolivia External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 10 - 21 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency will be hosting a conference on October 21, 2010 in La Paz, Bolivia to launch the pricing data it collected during the Transparent Pricing Initiative in the country as well as the progress of its other initiatives Latin America.
A Powerful NGO Model Everyone Should Know About MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2010 - 10 - 21 I recently came across an article in the online Harvard Business Review titled “The Most Powerful Green NGO You’ve Never Heard Of.” The title itself was enough to pique my interest but most exciting was to learn about the parallels that exist between MFTransparency’s business model and that of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
Transparency is key to positive MFI branding MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 19 As microfinance vendors proliferate in local markets, every MFI wants to be the first choice of potential borrowers. A strong brand, with transparent pricing practices and healthy communication of those prices as part of its vital core, can provide an advantage in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
MFTransparency and the Association of Micro Finance Institutions in Rwanda Launch Initiative in Rwanda Rwanda MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 18 MFTransparency and the Association of Micro Finance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) will co-host a workshop in Kigali, Rwanda to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Rwanda, the third country in the MasterCard Foundation-funded enabling APR & EIR Program.
MFTransparency and the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda Launch Initiative in Uganda Uganda MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 18 On December 3, 2010 MFTransparency and the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda (AMFIU) will co-host a workshop in Kampala, Uganda to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Uganda, the second country in the MasterCard Foundation-funded enabling APR & EIRProgram.
MFTransparency en Foromic Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 18 La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de asistir por primera vez al Foro de la Microempresa (Foromic) organizado por el BID y FOMIN, el cual se llevo a cabo en Montevideo, Uruguay. Fueron tres días de interesantes sesiones donde tuvimos la posibilidad de establecer contactos con los representantes del sector microfinanciero de Latino América y el Caribe.
MFTransparency Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of AFMIN in Accra, Ghana Ghana MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2010 - 10 - 14 The African Microfinance Network (AFMIN), the association of microfinance networks in Africa, recently organized its 9th annual conference, which also marked the 10th anniversary celebration of the organization. The conference was held in Accra, Ghana on October 5 – 9, 2010. With the theme "Access to Financial Services: Reaching the Poor and Excluded,” the conference gathered over 400 participants from Africa and around the globe.
MFTransparency Joins Financial Inclusion Side-Event at the United Nations MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2010 - 10 - 13 On September 22, 2010 I attended a side-event during the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals Summit 2010 on behalf of MicroFinance Transparency entitled “Financial Inclusion: A Path to the Millennium Development Goals.” The intimate event was hosted by the Governments of the Netherlands and the United States, together with Her Royal Highness Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, the UN Secretary General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, and included a wide range of practitioners from around the world.
Data Collection in Burkina Faso Burkina Faso MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 12 After the launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Burkina Faso in July 2010, I returned to work directly with the MFIs on the data collection process.
Microfinance sector advised to work on transparency Uruguay External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 10 - 08 Fast Company "The Latin American and Caribbean microfinance industry...will have to work hard to ensure transparency in its operations and its clients’ welfare," Inter-American Development Bank President Luis Alberto Moreno said today at Foromic 2010. MFTransparency spoke on the high profile panel on Consumer Protection and Responsible Finance that followed.
Microfinance, Muhammad Yunus, and Lisa Simpson MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2010 - 10 - 08 Those three look strange together. What does Lisa Simpson have to do with Microfinance and Muhammad Yunus? After seeing Muhammad Yunus win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, Yeardley Smith, the voice of Lisa Simpson, became interested in microfinance and visited the founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh.
Aligned Objectives of MFIN & MFT India MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 07 The Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN) is one of the organizations that MFTransparency has partnered with on the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India. MFIN has played a big role during the data collection process by motivating its members to participate.
35 Indian microfinance institutions shared complete pricing data to date: MFTransparency India External Media Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 07 Microfinance Focus: 35 microfinance institutions in India have participated so far in the Transparent Pricing Initiative by MFTransparency in India by submitting complete microloan product information and pricing data.
Microfinance in Malawi: An Industry in Transition Malawi MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 07 Since launching the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi in August (also the launch of the enabling APR & EIR Program), I have learned a lot about the microfinance industry in Malawi. The microfinance sector in Malawi is relatively small but actively involved in a transition into a more credible and sustainable business to cater for the poor’s financial needs.
MFTransparency presents at Foromic 2010, Montevideo, Uruguay Uruguay Presentation Industry Event, Social Performance 2010 - 10 - 06 The XIII Foromic was held in Montevideo, Uruguay from October 6 - 8, 2010. MFTransparency presented on issues of consumer protection and responsible finance. View the presentation here.
The Devil is in the Dates MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Understanding Prices 2010 - 10 - 06 When we receive loan data from microfinance institutions that wish to become transparent, they enter the information about their loans into our Data Collection Tool. In addition, we always ask for real repayment schedules for active loans given to real borrowers. We use these repayment schedules to verify the information the MFI has entered into our Data Collection Tool, but they also serve another purpose.
L’Initiative sur la Transparence des Coûts en Afrique de l’Ouest : Phase II Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Togo MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 10 - 06 La deuxième phase de l’Initiative sur la Transparence des Coûts en Afrique de l’Ouest continue son chemin. Après le lancement officiel du Sénégal et du Burkina Faso, nous entamons avec enthousiasme le Benin, le Togo et la Côte d’Ivoire.
MFTransparency presents at Argentinian Microfinance Network Conference Argentina Presentation Consumer Protection, Industry Event 2010 - 10 - 01 In October 2010 MFTransparency joined the Argentinian Microfinance Network for their annual conference. Chuck Waterfield delivered two presentations. View them here.
Response to Nyasa Times Article: “Stop stealing from the poor” Malawi MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative, Regulation & Policy 2010 - 10 - 01 On August 31, 2010 MicroFinance Transparency hosted a workshop in Lilongwe, Malawi, in partnership with the Malawi Microfinance Network (MAMN) to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi. On the same day the Nyasa Times, based in Malawi, published an article on the event titled “'Stop stealing from the poor’ Central Bank boss tells banks.”
Agree or Disagree: Profit Margins in Microfinance Should be Limited MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2010 - 10 - 01 The Microfinance Club of New York (MFCNY) and ACCION USA recently co-hosted the first event in a series of debates on current issues in the microfinance industry. This debate addressed the question of whether profit margins in microfinance should be limited. MFTransparency CEO & President Chuck Waterfield and Grameen Foundation Vice President for Microfinance Camilla Nestor argued on the side in favor of limiting profit.
MFTransparency presents at AFMIN Conference, Ghana Ghana Presentation Access to Finance, Industry Event 2010 - 10 - 01 In October 2010 MFTransparency attended the Africa Microfinance Network (AFMIN) Annual Conference, presenting on the issue of transparent and responsible pricing in microfinance. View this presentation here.
The Need for Financial Literacy in Microfinance and its Impact MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2010 - 09 - 30 Microfinance Africa recently published a blog post on The Need for Financial Literacy in Microfinance and its Impact. This post outlines five different arguments for the importance of financial literacy campaigns. Among these, MFTransparency is highlighted for the case we have made for the importance of pricing transparency.
MFTransparency partners with African Microfinance Network Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia External Media Data Collection, enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 30 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency and The Africa Microfinance Network (AFMIN) have announced their partnership to promote pricing transparency in microfinance throughout Africa.
MFTransparency Partners with AFMIN on Transparent Pricing Initiatives throughout Africa Burkina Faso, Malawi, Senegal MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 29 MFTransparency and The Africa Microfinance Network (AFMIN) today officially announced their partnership to promote pricing transparency in microfinance throughout Africa. AFMIN will support MFTransparency by encouraging its members to participate in the Transparent Pricing Initiative and MFTransparency will provide training on interest rate calculations and pricing transparency to AFMIN members.
Quick: What’s the Grameen Bank’s Interest Rate? MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 09 - 27 Recently David Roodman posted an interesting discussion on his blog. You can read what he wrote here: "Quick: What's the Grameen Bank's Interest Rate?" There are some very interesting points in his posting, to which I wrote the following reply. You'll find it best to read his posting first, but even without that context, the following points are relevant.
Can micro-finance help Africa meet the MDGs? Cameroon, Ghana, Malawi, Uganda External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 09 - 21 Gender Links: Although microfinance has done a lot to help women in Africa, Vice President of MicroFinance Transparency, Alexandra Fiorillo, outlines certain concerns over lending.
Jornada Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 20 El próximo 2 de diciembre se celebrará en el Radisson Plaza Hotel la Jornada Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia organizada por MFTransparency, una iniciativa a escala mundial a favor de la asignación de precios transparentes y responsables en la industria de las microfinanzas.
Conference Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 20 MFTransparency, a global initiative working to bring pricing transparency to the microfinance industry, will host a conference marking the data launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia on December 2, 2010 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in La Paz, Bolivia.
Recopilación de Datos y Desarrollo de Materiales Educativos en Bolivia y Ecuador Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 20 En una de mis anteriores entradas al blog, compartí con ustedes nuestros planes de organizar una conferencia con el objetivo de presentar los resultados de nuestra Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia a principios de septiembre.
Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Colombia: Parte 2 Colombia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 16 Antes de MFTransparency organizar el lanzamiento de sus Iniciativas en cualquier país, se llevan a cabo una serie de investigaciones que nos permitan entender mejor el sector y mercado microfinanciero y así poder adaptar el lanzamiento y el proyecto a las necesidades de cada nación. Así fue el caso con Colombia.
Data Collection and Development of Educational Materials in Bolivia and Ecuador Bolivia, Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Financial Education 2010 - 09 - 16 Over the past 3 months, our team has been working with over 25 Bolivian institutions on data collection and to date, 17 MFIs have submitted complete data, while 9 additional institutions are still in the process of completing their submissions. Last week I met personally with ANED, Banco de Crédito (BCP), Banco Unión, IDEPRO, Fortaleza and Ecofuturo to assist them in this process.
The Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa: The perfect fit at the right time Senegal MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 16 “MFTransparency’s Transparent Pricing Initiative comes at the right time.” That’s the sentence we have heard most frequently during our meetings with MFIs, networks and especially regulators. This is both positive and stimulating for our work in West Africa.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi Off to a Great Start Malawi MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR 2010 - 09 - 16 On the 31st of August 2010, MicroFinance Transparency launched the first country project of the enabling Africa to Price Responsibly and Educate on Interest Rates (enabling APR & EIR ) Program in Lilongwe, Malawi. Sixty-five participants, representing microfinance institutions, donors, investors, government officials and regulators, participated in the project launch.
Independent Study Course on Interest Rates: Session 1 MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 09 - 03 The most recent addition to our new Resources library is Session 1 of our independent study course on transparent pricing. This series of training sessions will provide you with the tools you need to demystify transparent pricing.
Progress of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 03 We are excited to announce that 80 microfinance institutions in India have indicated their interest in participating in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India by submitting product pricing data to MFTransparency. Of these, 65 data submissions have been completed and approved by the senior management of the institution and the remaining 15 are underway.
Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Colombia Colombia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 03 ¡Saludos desde Colombia! Esta semana MFTransparency lanzó su Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Colombia, llevando a cabo dos talleres sobre la transparencia en las ciudades de Bogotá y Medellín.
Expert calls for openness in micro-finance lending External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 09 - 02 Daily Times Malawi: Alexandra Fiorillo, Vice President of an international organization called MicroFinance Transparency, said in Lilongwe on Tuesday that transparency among the microfinance institutions could also earn them confidence among the public, government and donors.
Launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia Colombia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 09 - 02 Greetings from Colombia! This week MFTransparency is launching the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia, hosting two transparency workshops in Bogotá and Medellín.
A Conversation with Mr. Vasudevan PN, Founder and Managing Director of Equitas Microfinance India India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 09 - 02 MFTransparency spoke with Mr. Vasudevan PN, Founder and Managing Director of Equitas Microfinance India about the need for transparency in microfinance, what responsible finance means, and policies that can help to further promote transparency in the Indian microfinance market.
Launch of the New Resources Library MFTransparency Blog Financial Education, Understanding Prices 2010 - 08 - 31 You may have noticed that the Resources library on our website has been undergoing a metamorphosis over the past few weeks. The many educational tools, articles, presentations, videos and other materials created by MFTransparency have been looking for a home, and they are now finally moving in.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi Malawi Presentation enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 31 On August 9th 2010 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi with a workshop in Lilongwe. Topics covered included the implementation of pricing transparency and consumer education schemes. View the presentations here.
L’initiative de la Transparence des coûts en Microfinance au Sénégal Senegal MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 31 Depuis le lancement de l’initiative de la Transparence des coûts dans le secteur de la microfinance au Sénégal nous avons enregistré d’énormes progrès. Nous avons rencontré beaucoup de partenaires du secteur et eu des réunions très enrichissantes.
A Conversation with Mr. Vasudevan PN, Founder and Managing Director of Equitas Microfinance India India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 08 - 31 MFTransparency spoke with Mr. Vasudevan PN, Founder and Managing Director of Equitas Microfinance India, about the need for transparency in microfinance, what responsible finance means, and policies that can help to further promote transparency in the Indian microfinance market. Equitas Microfinance is a member of MFIN, and was the first institution to submit data as part of MFTransparency’s Transparent Pricing Initiative in India.
Preparing to launch the enabling APR & EIR Program: Bringing transparency to 8 countries in Africa Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR 2010 - 08 - 24 MicroFinance Transparency has begun a global movement to promote transparent pricing in the microfinance industry by collecting data and training microfinance institutions, regulators, and other stakeholders about the true cost of loans. Next week we will launch a project that will expand this movement throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
L’Initiative sur la Transparence des Coûts au Burkina Faso Burkina Faso MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 24 Depuis le lancement en juillet 2010 de l'Initiative sur la Transparence des Coûts au Burkina Faso, l'équipe Afrique de l'Ouest a fait beaucoup de progrès. Nous avons rencontré de nombreux intervenants et acteurs de la microfinance et nous prévoyons une deuxième série de réunions dans les semaines à venir.
Credit Insurance and Microcredit Interest Rates MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 08 - 24 Microcredit products often carry additional fees on top of the basic nominal interest rate charged to the client. In this blog post I will discuss credit insurance, also known as credit-life or credit-plus insurance, as it is one of the most common charges associated with microcredit products.
Independent Study Course MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 08 - 23 The following training sessions will provide you with the tools you need to demystify transparent pricing. Featuring practical examples, screenshots from the Calculating Transparent Prices Tool and practice exercises, this educational resource provides you with classroom-quality lessons for a solid foundation in the concepts of transparent pricing.
Entrevista entre MFTransparency y Banco FIE en Bolivia Bolivia External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 08 - 20 Portal de Microfinanzas: MFTransparency conversó con Katya Collao Grandi, Jefe de Responsabilidad Socia Empresarial y Andrés Urquidi Selich, Gerente Nacional Comercial de Banco FIE sobre la situación actual con respecto a la transparencia de precios en Bolivia, el Código de Etica de Banco FIE y su compromiso social, así como los beneficios y desafíos de la Iniciativa de MFTransparency en Bolivia.
Bolivia: Destacan transparencia y código de ética de Banco FIE Bolivia External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 19 Mundo Microfinanzas: MFTransparency y sus socios estratégicos, las redes microfinancieras locales Asofin y Finrural, lanzaron la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia con dos talleres en La Paz y Santa Cruz de la Sierra en mayo del presente año, la cual está patrocinada por la Fundación Ford y MicroNed con el objetivo de promover precios justos y transparentes en la industria de microfinanzas.
2010 SEEP Annual Conference: Reflecting on 25 Years of Milestones in Microenterprise Development External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 08 - 18 The SEEP Network: The SEEP Network announced today details about the upcoming Annual Conference to be held November 1-5, 2010 in Arlington, VA.
2010 SEEP Annual Conference: Reflecting on 25 Years of Milestones in Microenterprise Development MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2010 - 08 - 18 The SEEP Network announced today details about the upcoming Annual Conference to be held November 1-5, 2010 in Arlington, VA. The 2010 SEEP Annual Conference will bring together microenterprise development practitioners from across the globe to celebrate the achievements of recent decades and to address the challenges and opportunities of today.
Entrevista con Katya Collao Grandi, Jefe de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial Andrés Urquidi Selich, Gerente Nacional Comercial de Banco FIE Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 18 MFTransparency y sus socios estratégicos, las redes microfinancieras locales ASOFIN y FINRURAL lanzaron la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia con 2 talleres en La Paz y Santa Cruz de la Sierra en mayo del presente año, la cual está patrocinada por la Fundación Ford y MicroNed con el objetivo de promover precios justos y transparentes en la industria de microfinanzas.
A Conversation with Katya Collao Grandi, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, and Andrés Urquidi Selich, National Commercial Manager of Banco FIE Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 18 MFTransparency and its strategic partners, the local microfinance networks ASOFIN and FINRURAL launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia in May this year, with two workshops in La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The Initiative is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and MicroNed with the objective to promote fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry.
Parada Numero 3 en Latino America: COLOMBIA Colombia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 16 El 2010 fue el año oficial del lanzamiento de la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios de MFTransparency en Latino América. Desde finales de abril comenzamos a trabajar tanto en Ecuador como en Bolivia y ahora el turno es de COLOMBIA.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Colombia: Launch in Bogota and Medellin Colombia External Media Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 16 MicroCapital: Training will be provided on pricing transparency as it relates to microfinance institutions (MFIs), regulators, funders and other support organizations. The event is being held as part of an effort by MFTransparency to collect and publish pricing data for microfinance products offered in Colombia.
Transparency: What is the Best Approach? MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2010 - 08 - 13 We all like to know the truth, and we like to think that the more we know the better. With the revelation of the internet over the last 15-20 years, access to information has never been easier. But what crosses the line of TMI (too much information)?
MFTransparency Partners with PlaNet Finance India on MPEA 2010 India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 12 The Microfinance Process Excellence Award (MPEA) is an effort by PlaNet Finance India to reward process excellence in microfinance institutions (MFIs), establish industry benchmarks and elevate the standards of process and institutional management across MFIs in India.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Latin America Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 11 Through the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Latin America, MFTransparency will raise awareness of transparent pricing issues throughout the region, and begin to implement an enabling environment for transparency and consumer protection.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in India With Participation of 82 MFIs To Date India External Media Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 08 - 10 MicroCapital: MFTransparency, a U.S.-based non-governmental organization which promotes accurate and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry, recently expanded its transparent pricing initiative to 82 microfinance institutions (MFIs) in India.
Microfinance in India: A Colorful Market in a Colorful Country India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 10 Working on the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India is a very different experience as compared to any of MFTransparency’s other country initiatives. The microfinance market in India is unique in many ways related to outreach, products and practices that all affect pricing. In this post I will introduce you to some of the factors that give this colorful market its character.
Task forces to monitor microfinance institutions India External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 08 - 09 The Hindu: MFIN has signed up with MFTransparency, a global NGO, to promote transparency in the communication of interest rates to clients.
MFIN joins hands with MFTransparency India External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 08 - 07 Microfinance Monitor: MFIN and MFTransparency, a global NGO, will together promote transparency in interest rates charged from clients and the task forces will work to ensure responsible lending.
Responsible Pricing: The State of the Practice MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2010 - 08 - 05 Yesterday the Smart Campaign published the paper “Responsible Pricing: The State of the Practice,” co-authored by MFTransparency Vice President Alexandra Fiorillo. We are proud to have contributed our research and guidance to the content of this paper, which outlines the progress of the microfinance industry toward transparent and responsible pricing.
Getting Ready for the Bolivia Data Launch Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 05 Our Latin America team is currently organizing an industry conference that we will host in La Paz on September At this conference we will launch the pricing data we have been collecting since May when MFTransparency and the local microfinance networks ASOFIN and FINRURAL kicked off the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia.
Responsible Pricing: The State of the Practice External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 08 - 04 Smart Campaign: This newly published paper, co-authored by MicroFinance Transparency, examines the full range of approaches to responsible pricing of loans, from promoting competition, to return on equity limitations, to interest rate caps, to comparative transparency.
Growth of an Organization: Behind the Scenes Ghana MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR 2010 - 08 - 04 What do getting an EIN number, registering with the IRS, getting a letter signed by an attorney, and creating a limited power of attorney contract have in common? If you guessed getting set up a business in the United States, you guessed wrong.
Microfinance in West Africa Grows Up Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire MFTransparency Blog 2010 - 08 - 03 We are seeing today the explosion of microfinance institutions in West Africa. But as I look back, I remember that it hasn’t always been this way.
Introduction to the Indian Microfinance Market and the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 03 The Transparent Pricing Initiative in India, a consumer protection effort aimed at promoting transparent pricing in microfinance, launched in April 2010 with back-to-back workshops held in 5 major cities. The workshops were well-attended with participation from all corners of the microfinance industry including donors, investors, MFI practitioners, researchers, local media and officials from government and apex bodies.
New Paper: The Challenge of Understanding Pricing of Micro-loans MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 08 - 03 Just how difficult is it to calculate the true cost of a loan? For many clients of MFIs, it is nearly impossible. Despite the public image of microfinance lenders as being altruistic and philanthropic, some are as predatory as the moneylenders they are supposed replace as a better alternative for their clients.
Launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa Burkina Faso, Senegal MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 02 Last month MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa. The launch workshops took place on July 6th in Dakar, Senegal and July 9th in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. These are the first two countries to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative of the eight countries participating in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa.
enabling Africa to Price Responsibly & Educate on Interest Rates Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 08 - 02 MFTransparency, the global leader in pricing transparency, has partnered with the MasterCard Foundation on a new project called enabling Africa to Price Responsibly & Educate on Interest Rates, known as the enabling APR & EIR Program for short.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in India: 35 Participating Institutions To Date India MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 28 To date, 35 microfinance institutions in India have participated in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India by submitting complete microloan product information and pricing data. These MFIs have demonstrated their commitment to transparency and are listed on the India page of the MFTransparency website.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 28 Through the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa, MFTransparency will raise awareness of transparent pricing issues throughout the region, and begin to implement an enabling environment for transparency and consumer protection. This Initiative will take place in 8 countries in West Africa.
La Carrera por la Transparencia en Ecuador Ecuador External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 07 - 27 Portal de Microfinanzas: La gran carrera por la transparencia llegó al Ecuador. En el mes de Abril del presente MFTransparency lanzó suIniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador. El proyecto se inició con una serie de talleres y reuniones que tomaron lugar en Quito, Ambato y Guayaquil. Estos eventos convirtieron a Ecuador en el tercer país de América Latina en participar en la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios desatando una feroz competencia.
MFTransparency Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi Launch, August 31, 2010 in Lilongwe, Malawi Malawi External Media enab APR&EIR, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 23 MicroCapital: Training will be provided on pricing transparency as it relates to microfinance institutions, regulators, funders and other support organizations
Malawi: A Country in Need of Microfinance Malawi MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 23 My first job as a summer intern for MFTransparency has been to research the market in Malawi in preparation for the launch on August 31st. Through my research I have learned many things, but none more poignant than how poor and underdeveloped the majority of Malawi is.
Standardization and Communication of Interest Rates MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 07 - 23 Over the past two years, supporters in the industry have validated our belief that microfinance interest rates are confusing and complicated and that we, as an industry, must improve how we think about and communicate microfinance product prices. MF first approach to help demystify microfinance interest rates has been to collect, standardize and disseminate information about prices in select microfinance markets.
MFTransparency and the Malawi Microfinance Network to Launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi Malawi MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 20 On August 31, 2010 MFTransparency and the Malawi Microfinance Network (MAMN) will co-host a workshop in Lilongwe, Malawi to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi, the first country in the MasterCard Foundation-funded enabling APR & EIR Program.
Ecuador: D-MIRO, en la delantera por la carrera de la transparencia. Ecuador External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 07 - 15 Mundo Microfinanzas: La gran carrera por la transparencia llegó al Ecuador. En el mes de abril del presente MFTransparency lanzó su Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador. El proyecto se inició con una serie de talleres y reuniones que tomaron lugar en Quito, Ambato y Guayaquil.
A Conversation with ASOFIN & FINRURAL on the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 15 MFTransparency and its strategic partners, the local microfinance networks ASOFIN and FINRURAL recently launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia with two workshops in La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
La Carrera por la Transparencia en Ecuador Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 14 La gran carrera por la transparencia llegó al Ecuador. En el mes de Abril del presente MFTransparency lanzó su Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador. El proyecto se inició con una serie de talleres y reuniones que tomaron lugar en Quito, Ambato y Guayaquil.
The Race for Transparency in Ecuador Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 13 The race for transparency is on in Ecuador. In April 2010 MFTransparency launched its Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador. The project launched with a series of workshops and meetings in Quito, Ambato and Guayaquil.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in India – 50 MFI Participants To Date India Announcements Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 08 To date, more than 50 institutions in India have participated in the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India by submitting microloan product information and pricing data. These MFIs have demonstrated their commitment to transparency and are listed on the India page of the MFTransparency website
MFTransparency Featured in e-MFP Newsletter External Media Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 07 - 06 European Microfinance Platform: Chuck Waterfield looks back on MFTransparency’s activities and the progress made since spring 2009, when e-MFP invited him to write an article about the start of this important initiative.
Launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa Burkina Faso Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 06 In July 2010, MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa to promote pricing transparency and consumer protection throughout the region. View the launch workshop presentation here, in French
MFTransparency and Luxembourg Development Cooperation launch Transparent Pricing Initiative in West Africa Burkina Faso, Senegal MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 07 - 02 MFTransparency and Luxembourg Development Cooperation have partnered to expand the Transparent Pricing Initiative to West Africa. MFTransparency will begin to implement the Initiative in July to promote pricing transparency and consumer protection throughout the region.
Bolivia Transparency Part 4: How MFTransparency’s Pricing Data Complements Current Regulation Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2010 - 06 - 25 In my series of Bolivia posts so far, I have shared insights on several positive aspects of pricing transparency in the Bolivian microfinance industry. In today’s post, I’d like to highlight how MFTransparency’s pricing data will complement the Bolivian microfinance regulation and transparency efforts already underway.
Bolivia Transparency Part 3: Transparency in Loan Contracts & Publicity MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2010 - 06 - 24 Today, I’d like to continue my previous post on interest rate disclosure to clients and the general public, and share some insights on transparency in loan contracts and publicity.
Bolivia Transparency Part 2: Interest Rate Disclosure to Clients & the Public Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2010 - 06 - 23 There are several positive mechanisms in place to facilitate interest rate disclosure to microfinance clients and the general public. Our recent trip to Bolivia was a wonderful opportunity to see firsthand how a range of legal requirements play out in practice.
Bolivia Transparency Part 1: Pricing Strategies & Challenges Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative, Regulation & Policy 2010 - 06 - 21 As promised in my last blog post on the Bolivia launch, I’d like to share some insights on the regulatory framework in Bolivia and outstanding transparency efforts we learned about during our initial trip to Bolivia where we recently launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative.
Total Cost of Credit vs. APR MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 06 - 16 Often when we talk about reporting the “true cost” of loans we are asked why it isn’t enough to simply tell borrowers the “total cost” of their loan—in other words, the total amount of interest they will pay over the life of the loan. At first glance this can seem like an obvious solution, but in reality it’s a deceptive way of thinking about loan price.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya: Non-Participating Institutions Kenya MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 06 - 11 The Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya is an inclusive project designed to bring together all organizations active in the Kenyan microfinance market, representing a range of stakeholder groups, to implement transparent pricing practices in the Kenyan microfinance industry.
MFTransparency Brings Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative to Bolivia Bolivia, Ecuador External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 06 - 10 MicroCapital: MFTransparency recently expanded its work to launch its transparent pricing initiative in both Ecuador and Bolivia. The Bolivia initiative was launched with workshops in both La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, and the Ecuador initiative was launced with workshops in Quito, Ambato and Guayaquil.
Entrevista con ASOFIN y FINRURAL: Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia Bolivia External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 06 - 10 Portal de Microfinanzas: MFTransparency y sus socios estratégicos, las redes microfinancieras locales ASOFIN y FINRURAL lanzaron recientemente la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia con 2 talleres en La Paz y Santa Cruz de la Sierra, la cual está patrocinada por la Fundación Ford y MicroNed con el objetivo de promover precios justos y transparentes en la industria de microfinanzas.
Sign up for the Kenya Data Launch Webinar Kenya MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 06 - 10 MFTransparency started publishing the true costs of microfinance loans in specific countries in October 2009. On June 29th 2010 we will host a webinar to launch and discuss our latest data from Kenya.
INAFI Executive Director Attends CONVERGENCES 2015 Forum and Microfinance Transparency Meeting External Media Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 06 - 09 International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions: Ms Ndiaye Ba, Executive Director of INAFI, attended a meeting to discuss partnerships with MicroFinance Transparency, a new United States non-profit organization which aims to publish the interest rates and other basic information about the lending practices of microfinance institutions (MFIs) worldwide.
Entrevista con ASOFIN y FINRURAL sobre la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 06 - 09 MFTransparency y sus socios estratégicos, las redes microfinancieras locales ASOFIN y FINRURAL lanzaron recientemente la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia con 2 talleres en La Paz y Santa Cruz de la Sierra, la cual está patrocinada por la Fundación Ford y MicroNed con el objetivo de promover precios justos y transparentes en la industria de microfinanzas.
MFTransparency-The MasterCard Foundation partnership for Fair and Transparent Microfinance Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 06 - 09 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency a global initiative for fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry has entered into a partnership with The MasterCard Foundation to promote fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry in eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
MFTransparency Partners with The MasterCard Foundation to Promote a Fair and Transparent Microfinance Industry in Eight African Countries MFTransparency Blog enab APR&EIR 2010 - 06 - 07 MFTransparency today announced a partnership with The MasterCard Foundation to promote fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry in eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The effort, known as the enabling APR & EIR Program, will launch in June.
MFTransparency y la Red Financiera Rural estrenan la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 06 - 03 Portal de Microfinanzas: MFTransparency impulsó la Iniciativa deTransparencia de Precios en Ecuador en colaboración con su socio estratégico local, la Red Financiera Rural, durante la última semana de Abril
MFTransparency y la Red Financiera Rural estrenan la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador Ecuador MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 06 - 02 MFTransparency impulsó la Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Ecuador en colaboración con su socio estratégico local, la Red Financiera Rural, durante la última semana de Abril.
MFTransparency launched Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia Bolivia External Media MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 06 - 01 Microfinance Focus: Hosting two workshops in La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra during the first week of May, MFTransparency launched its Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia. Local microfinance networks ASOFIN and FINRURAL are its strategic partners in this effort and the initiative is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and MicroNed to promote fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry.
MFTransparency Impulsa la Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia Bolivia External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 05 - 31 Portal de Microfinanzas: MFTransparency ha lanzado su Iniciativa de Transparencia de Preciosen Bolivia con 2 seminarios en La Paz y Santa Cruz de la Sierra durante la primera semana de Mayo del presente.Socios estratégicos de MFTransparency en este esfuerzo son las dos redes microfinancieras locales ASOFIN y FINRURAL.
MFTransparency Impulsa la Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 05 - 27 MFTransparency ha lanzado su Iniciativa de Transparencia de Precios en Bolivia con 2 seminarios en La Paz y Santa Cruz de la Sierra durante la primera semana de Mayo del presente.
MFTransparency announced the disclosure of the pricing data from Azerbaijan Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 05 - 27 Microfinance Insights: Following the dissemination of two pilot countries – Bosnia and Herzegovina and Cambodia – MFTransparancy announced the disclosure of the pricing data from Azerbaijan. The data presents a number of interesting trends in pricing practices, product types as well as differentiating factors that underlie the variations in pricing.
MFTransparency Webinar on ‘New Microfinance Transparent Pricing Data from Azerbaijan’ Azerbaijan External Media Data Collection, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2010 - 05 - 26 Microfinance Focus: MFTransparency, a global initiative for fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 from 7:00 AM -8:30 AM EST, launching the true-cost microfinance pricing data from Azerbaijan. The discussion will interpret the data and its effect on market conditions as well as answer questions from a range of stakeholders and the public
Microfinance industry is shifting its agenda to social performance External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 05 - 24 Governance Now: Microfinance in India still has considerable geographical divide. The southern states have done well in terms of taking microfinance initiatives as well as in uptake. On the other hand, it’s still taking time for microfinance to pick up in northern states.
Pricing Transparency Launch in Bolivia Bolivia MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 05 - 20 Last week, we officially launched our Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bolivia, sponsored by the Ford Foundation and MicroNed. This project launch in our third Latin American country has been a great success and we’re excited about the widespread support from the diverse Bolivian microfinance community!
In Ecuador, Cap on Interest Rates Pressures Microlenders to Increase Loan Sizes Ecuador External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 05 - 19 MicroCapital: Ecuador’s central bank, Banco Central del Ecuador (BCE), recently further reduced the cap on annual interest rates to 30.5 percent from 33.9 percent for retail microlenders, and to 27.5 percent from 33.3 percent for all others lenders. Since 2007, when the national government enacted banking reforms allowing the central bank to set a maximum interest rate for all banking institutions, the cap for microlenders has been dropping.
Ecuadorian Innovations in Regulating Pricing Transparency Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2010 - 05 - 17 As I mentioned in my last blog post, I would like to share some insights on Ecuador’s regulatory framework for the microfinance sector and advances in the area of transparency.
Explaining the Price Curve MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 05 - 14 If you have perused our data, you may have noticed the market average curve present on all our country graphs. This curve is so fundamental to MFTransparency that its characteristic downward slope is even represented in our logo. This is the curve relating interest rates to loan size, and it is extremely important in analyzing the price of microloan products.
Warm Welcome in Ecuador for Pricing Transparency Initiative Bolivia, Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 05 - 12 I have just returned from a two-week trip to launch the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador and Bolivia. I am happy to report that the launch was successful in both countries.
MFTransparency at the Microcredit Summit in Nairobi, Kenya Kenya MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2010 - 05 - 10 Last month I attended the 2010 Africa-Middle East Regional Microcredit Summit in Nairobi, Kenya to represent MFTransparency along with Chuck Waterfield and Alex Fiorillo. As my first Microcredit Summit, this was an exciting event for me.
MFTransparency presents on “Growing Pains – Creating a Path for the Industry to Mature Responsibly” Germany, Luxembourg Presentation Industry Event, Responsible Finance 2010 - 05 - 01 In May 2010, MFTransparency made extended presentations to audiences in Berlin and Luxembourg on a strategy for the industry to move forward responsibly
Launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador Ecuador Presentation Data Launch, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 04 - 27 In April 2010, MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Ecuador with a series of workshops and meetings in Quito, Ambato and Guayaquil. View the launch presentations here.
Obama Calls Out Microfinance: Taking the Measure of Microfinance External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 04 - 26 MicroCredit Enterprises: As the need for Microfinance Transparency (backed by many microfinance leaders) demonstrates, the microfinance industry has been less than honest with the donors and investors who back it, not to mention its impoverished client-borrowers. True APR loan interest rates charged by overseas microfinance institutions remain undisclosed in most parts of the world.
Lender to women joins global policing group External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 04 - 26 Daily Nation: The short rains which stated in earnest in December and the current long rain season has been a nightmare for many dairy farmers in the country.
Many Borrowers of Microloans Now Find the Price is Too High External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 04 - 25 New York Times: Drawn by the prospect of hefty profits from even the smallest of loans, a raft of banks and financial institutions now dominate the field, with some charging interest rates of 100 percent or more.
Exclusive Interview with MFTransparency executives Chuck Waterfield and Alexandra Fiorillo India External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Understanding Prices 2010 - 04 - 16 Microfinance Insights: MicroFinance Transparency Urges Indian MFIs to Share Pricing, Interest Rate Data. Microfinance Transparency is currently on a whistle-stop tour of India to speak with MFIs and industry stakeholders, as part of their worldwide Transparent Pricing Initiative, which urges MFIs to share their pricing and interest data to improve transparency and bring credibility to the sector. Microfinance Insights caught up with MFTransparency executives Chuck Waterfield and Alexandra Fiorillo, to speak with them about their experience in India so far.
MFTransparency launches Transparent Pricing Initiative for Microfinance in India India External Media Consumer Protection, Data Collection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 04 - 12 Microfinance Focus: Identifying Transparent Pricing as the emerging challenge for the microfinance industry world over,, a US based non-profit has launched its Transparent Pricing Initiative in India with 5 seminars across the country, in New Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai during April 12-19, 2010.
Launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India India Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2010 - 04 - 12 MFTransparency launched the Transparent Pricing Initiative in India with 5 seminars across the country in New Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai during April 12-19, 2010. View the launch presentations here. The launch resulted in data submitted by 90 MFIs on loans going to over 25 million clients.
Bringing the Transparent Pricing Initiative to South America Bolivia, Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 04 - 11 Hola from Quito! I have recently moved to Ecuador, where I’m currently organizing the preparations for our South America projects. Peru was the first country where we kicked off our Transparent Pricing Initiative in early 2009. This year, we’ll bring the Initiative to Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Argentina. Our 2010 South America projects are sponsored by the Ford Foundation, and in the case of Bolivia also by MicroNed.
MFTransparency presents at MicroCredit Summit, Nairobi Kenya Presentation Consumer Protection, Industry Event 2010 - 04 - 07 In April 2010, MFTransparency presented at the Africa/Middle East Regional Microcredit Summit (AMERMS) in Nairobi, Kenya. MFTransparency presented “Transparency in Interest Rate Pricing and Other Efforts towards Consumer Protection”. View the presentation here.
MFInsights: A Conversation with Chuck Waterfield, CEO and President, MFTransparency External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 04 - 01 Microfinance Insights: As the microfinance sector picks up pace in improving industry practices, MFTransparency, a US-based nonprofit is working with microfinance institutions (MFIs) around the world to shed light on what has remained a dark and opaque corner of the microfinance business – the interest rates MFIs charge their clients.
Interest Rate Transparency in Brazil: Addressing Cultural Questions Brazil MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy, Understanding Prices 2010 - 03 - 30 Brazilians, as I’ve learned from having lived in the Northeast of the country over the past several months, love credit. Common are the signs sitting in most São Paulo storefronts that advertise the interest rate of products by the “vez”. The number of “vezes” or “aprestações” is the number of months across which the full price of a product can be divided, giving the consumer the number of installments in which one is allowed to pay for a good that can range from a car to a cellular phone to a t-shirt to a plate of beans and rice.
MFTransparency Receives Ford Foundation Grant to Promote a Fair and Transparent Microfinance Industry in Latin America Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 03 - 22 MFTransparency has received grant from the Ford Foundation to promote fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador. The effort, known as the Transparent Pricing Initiative, will launch later this month.
New Research from World Bank Highlights Tradeoffs in Microfinance MFTransparency Blog Investments, Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2010 - 03 - 19 Asli Demirguc-Kunt, a chief economist at the World Bank, recently posted an article entitled “Microfinance: Dream versus Reality”. Her post provides an overview of the tough tradeoffs faced by microfinance institutions: between serving the poorest clients and achieving financial sustainability (and profitability).
MFTransparency presents at the Sa-Dhan National Microfinance Conference, Delhi India Presentation Industry Event 2010 - 03 - 17 In March 2010, MFTransparency presented at the Sa-Dhan National Microfinance Conference in Delhi, India. The theme of this conference was 'Financial Inclusion and Responsible Microfinance. View the presentations here.
Transparency at the Consumer Level Mexico MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2010 - 03 - 15 Over the last few weeks, I have been reviewing the Global Financial Education Program led by a strategic partnership between Microfinance Opportunities and Freedom from Hunger. The Financial Education Curriculum is targeted at households below and just above the poverty line in developing countries. So far, I have focused my review on the core curriculum which consists of five modules: budgeting, debt management, savings, bank services and financial negotiations.
Transparency, India, Gandhi, and the Seven Deadly Social Sins India MFTransparency Blog 2010 - 03 - 11 A few weeks ago I made an unplanned and very interesting trip to India. MFTransparency had no plans of working in India this year, but a broad group of stakeholders in the India microfinance industry had been discussing the need for pricing transparency and then invited us to come and meet with them.
Mobile Banking and the Future of Transparency India MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection 2010 - 03 - 09 Mobile banking is defining modern microfinance. Within the space of a few short years it has exploded to become a hot-button issue in the microfinance community, especially because of its potential to reach the unbanked.
Calculating Interest Rates Using Newton’s Method MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 03 - 05 Today I'm going to demonstrate how to write a computer program that is as accurate as Excel 2007's XIRR function. This article is likely to be of less broad interest, but it provides transparency into how we will calculate interest rates for future data collection trips; and it may be useful for MFIs that wish to automate interest rate calculations for a larger data set than can be handled with Excel.
Calculating Interest Rates with Excel MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 02 - 24 Chuck Waterfield and Alexandra Fiorillo, MFTransparency's CEO and VP respectively, have been doing many presentations about how interest rates can be calculated using our excel tool, but we haven't yet featured a story on our blog about our data collection process and our corresponding excel tool. Although technical, interest rate calculations are really at the heart of MFTransparency's mission and calculating accurate interest rates is vital to providing transparent pricing data.
Indian NBFCs Microfinance Network MFIN to assess their transparency level, sources India External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2010 - 02 - 22 Microfinance Focus: Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN), a newly formed body of NBFC-MFIs in India has decided to carry out an in-depth study of the status and level of transparency in its network members and suggest measures to improve the situation, if required, said sources in the industry.
Twitter “Chat” on Microfinance MFTransparency Blog Financial Education 2010 - 02 - 22 #mifimon (Microfinance Mondays) is a biweekly Twitter discussion group that aims to host an exchange ideas about issues relevant to the microfinance industry. Every Monday, for about two hours, a group of tweeters interested in microfinance discusses a wide range of topics such as Microfinance and Technology, Women and Microfinance, and many more.
Indian Interest Rate Caps and Transparency India MFTransparency Blog Regulation & Policy 2010 - 02 - 19 According to a recent report by MicroCapital, a new bill introduced in the Indian parliament would remove the existing cap on microloan interest rates. This has important implications for transparency, and provides a unique opportunity to examine the effects of rate caps on microfinance.
Thoughts on MIX Relaunch MFTransparency Blog Data Collection 2010 - 02 - 17 At the end of last year, the MIX (Microfinance Information Exchange) relaunched their website with the help of the MasterCard Foundation (click here for their official press release). For those familiar with the MIX, you’ll know that they have implemented some major changes in the last few months culminating in this relaunch. All in all, I’m very impressed with the new look and more importantly, the increased functionality of the website.
What Does the Data Tell Us? (Part 2) India, Mexico, Russia MFTransparency Blog Consumer Protection, Data Collection 2010 - 02 - 15 In my last post, I examined data for Russia, Mexico and India, three large microfinance markets in different regions. We looked at the correlation between portfolio yield and loan size and discussed interest rates and profitability for MFIs with different focuses in terms of rural/urban populations and share of female clients. Comparing these markets, we observed a much broader range of yields in the Russian and Mexican market as compared to the Indian market.
My Inspiration for Microfinance was Born in Haiti MFTransparency Blog 2010 - 02 - 10 All around the world, our thoughts are with the Haitian people, as they work together to overcome yet another tragic situation. The Haitian proverb – beyond mountains, more mountains – has been so poignantly true for them.
The Case for Pricing Transparency MFTransparency Blog 2010 - 02 - 09 After decades of innovation and experimentation, microfinance sectors worldwide have achieved impressive successes. The microfinance community has joined efforts to achieve worldwide public recognition of microfinance as an effective and sustainable bottom-up approach to economic empowerment and consumption smoothing.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya Kenya MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 02 - 08 Jambo! I would like to share a bit in this post about recent work in Kenya, where I spent three weeks in January with Alexandra Fiorillo (Vice President, MFTransparency) continuing the data collection process for MFTransparency’s Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya.
What Does the Data Tell Us? India, Mexico, Russia MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2010 - 02 - 04 We have looked at the correlation between loan size and portfolio yield on several occasions and noticed that the shape of the curve closely follows that of loan size and operating expenses. For several markets, these country graphs suggest that a number of MFIs are making yields above the market average in a given loan-size category.
MFTransparency to Launch Blog MFTransparency Blog MFT Event 2010 - 02 - 04 On Thursday, February 4, MicroFinance Transparency (MFTransparency) will launch a blog on its website. The blog will complement the existing website and will serve as an informal venue through which MFTransparency can share news, information, and opinions relating to transparency initiatives and developments in the broader microfinance industry.
Welcome to Our Blog! MFTransparency Blog 2010 - 02 - 03 Welcome to MFTransparency’s blog. We pride ourselves on using our website to provide the global microfinance industry with accurate and transparent pricing data as well as educational and informational materials related to transparency in microfinance.
Leader of Commercial Microfinance in Azerbaijan Participates in MicroFinance Transparency’s Transparent Pricing Initiative Azerbaijan MFTransparency Blog Pricing Initiative 2010 - 02 - 03 AccessBank, the leader of commercial microfinance in Azerbaijan, has recently submitted pricing data for all its microfinance loan products to MFTransparency.
State of the Campaign Report External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2010 - 01 - 28 Microcredit Summit Campaign report: The 2009 State of the Campaign Report contains an article on Pricing Transparency written by MFTransparency. See p. 15 of the report. The link gives access to a website where the entire report can be dowloaded in English, Spanish, and French.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya Kenya Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2010 - 01 - 13 In January 2010, MFTransparency launched its Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya. Introductory workshops were held in Kisumu and Nairobi. View the workshop presentation here.
MFTransparency Wins Award from “Enterprise Development and Microfinance” External Media Responsible Finance 2010 - 01 - 09 Enterprise Development and Microfinance: The winning entry in the 2oth anniversary edition of “Enterprise Development and Microfinance” was written by MFTransparency staff.
MFTransparency Wins Award from “Enterprise Development and Microfinance” MFTransparency Blog 2010 - 01 - 09 Enterprise Development and Microfinance journal has now been published for 20 years! To celebrate the fact, we invited some well known names to give us their ideas of either the major achievements of the last 10 years, or their predictions for the next 10.
MFTransparency presents at Microfinance Investments in Asia Conference, Singapore Singapore Presentation Industry Event 2010 - 01 - 01 In January 2010, MFTransparency presented at the “Microfinance Investments in Asia” Conference, held in Singapore. MFTransparency presented on the issue of Risk Management, and the implications of product pricing in this. View the presentation here.
A.J. Renold of Opportunity International Blogs on MFTransparency External Media Consumer Protection 2009 - 12 - 28 A.J. Renold: Microfinance is a young and growing industry. Formal microfinance services such as savings, credit and insurance, have yet to reach a majority of the working poor around the world and thus there are many microfinance providers trying tap into this demand.
MicroFinance Transparency Makes Top 10 Most Read New Initiatives in 2009 External Media Pricing Initiative 2009 - 12 - 27 Microfinance Focus: The Microfinance Sector has witnessed several important new initiatives this year. Water, education and mobile banking were the favorite new segments. Our team has brought together the top 10 most read new initiatives. We will follow all the new initiatives, its successes, challenges and lessons learnt in the next year…
Bangladesh Seminar on `Microfinance Interest Rates and Transparency’ External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2009 - 12 - 16 Institute of Microfinance: The Institute of Microfinance (InM) and the Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) jointly organized a two-day seminar titled ‘Microfinance Interest Rates and Transparency’ in Dhaka, Bangladesh on August 11 & 12, 2009. MFTransparency CEO & Founder Chuck Waterfield was a featured speaker at the event.
Oikocredit partner first to offer microfinance pricing transparency data in Africa Kenya External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2009 - 12 - 04 Microfinance Focus: Microfinance Focus, Dec. 4, 2009: Oikocredit project partner PAWDEP is leading the way in microfinance pricing transparency in Africa. The Kenya-based Pamoja Women’s Development Programme became the first African microfinance institution to submit data to MFTransparency Transparent Pricing Initiative.
MFTransparency Discusses New Transparent Pricing Data from Bosnia, Cambodia, and Peru in 2 Webinars Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Peru MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, MFT Event 2009 - 11 - 13 MFTransparency will host two webinars Wednesday November 18th 10:00 PM -11:30 PM EST and Friday November 20th 11:00AM – 12:30 PM EST focused on the recently released true-cost microfinance pricing data from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, and Peru.
MFTransparency presents at IDLO Responsible Regulation Event, Rome Italy Presentation Industry Event 2009 - 11 - 12 On November 12, 2009, MFTransparency presented at the International Development Law Organization Conference. The event was entitled “Responsible Regulation: Lessons and Innovations in Microfinance from the Developing World”, and held in Rome, Italy. View the presentation here.
The Quest for Transparent Pricing: MFTransparency Releases World’s First True-Cost Pricing Data External Media Consumer Protection, Understanding Prices 2009 - 11 - 11 Social Performance Indicators Blog: Last week, MFTransparency – a global initiative for fair and transparent pricing in microfinance – published the world’s first true-cost pricing data. In an interview with MIX, Vice President Alexandra Fiorillo shares more about the initiative, its benefits to MFIs and clients, and findings from the first reports.
Bosnia Pricing Discussion Bosnia and Herzegovina MFTransparency Blog Understanding Prices 2009 - 11 - 01 Here are some points to consider as you review the Bosnia and Herzegovina data as well as some questions we would like to hear your comments on.
MFTransparency’s First Data Launch Webinar Presentation Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Peru Presentation Data Launch, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2009 - 11 - 01 In November 2009, MFTransparency published the world’s first true-cost pricing data during two live webinar sessions. The webinar interpreted the pricing data and discussed its effect on market conditions. View the introductory presentation here.
Citi Foundation Supports MFTransparency with Grant MFTransparency Blog Investments, Responsible Finance 2009 - 10 - 28 The Citi Foundation today expressed its commitment to fair and transparent pricing in microfinance with a grant to MicroFinance Transparency (MFTransparency), the industry leader in collecting and publishing complete and comparable data on the interest rates and fees charged to microfinance clients.
Cambodia Pricing Transparency Data Cambodia MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2009 - 10 - 25 The Cambodia microfinance industry is known for its commitment to transparency in financial reporting, and the industry has now strongly embraced the practice of transparent pricing.
AMFA’s Newsletter October 2009 Azerbaijan MFTransparency Blog 2009 - 10 - 19 We greet you and are pleased to present you the thirty first issue of AMFA Monthly Newsletter to improve our communication effectiveness. We hope you will find this Newsletter informative and relevant.
Bosnia Pricing Transparency Data Bosnia and Herzegovina MFTransparency Blog Data Collection, Pricing Initiative 2009 - 10 - 18 MFTransparency collects data country-by-country. In each country where we facilitate the transition to transparent pricing, we follow a systematic process, and our process in BiH provides a good example for understanding our procedure.
Oikocredit supporting transparency in microfinance External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2009 - 10 - 17 Oikocredit: Oikocredit has renewed its support of transparency in the microfinance industry, sponsoring MFTransparency for the second year running.
MicroFinance Transparency to drive transparent pricing in Africa Kenya External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2009 - 10 - 14 Microfinance Focus: MicroFinance Transparency (MFTransparency) will host a training workshop in Nairobi on oct. 19 in association with the 2009 AMT Microfinance Investor’s Fair to train industry professionals on pricing transparency and consumer protection. It will also mark the launch of MFTransparency’ s Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya.
Data Launch Rollout Plan Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Peru MFTransparency Blog Data Collection 2009 - 10 - 14 MFTransparency will have a phased rollout of data from our first three countries over the three-week data launch period. More countries will be coming on-line in the coming months.
ONG y cooperativas darán a conocer costo de sus créditos External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2009 - 10 - 13 Gestión: MFTransparency has been featured in Peru's leading daily business newspaper, Gestión, for providing a portal of pricing information on microfinance institutions in the country. Featuring quotes from Founder Chuck Waterfield, this article highlights MFTransparency's contribution to consumer protection efforts and its upcoming data launch.
MicroFinance Transparency to Hold Workshop in Kenya, First Transparent Pricing Initiative in Africa Kenya MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2009 - 10 - 09 MFTransparency will host a training workshop in Nairobi at the InterContinental Hotel on the 19th of October, 2009 in conjunction with the 2009 AMT Microfinance Investor’s Fair. The workshop will train industry professionals on issues related to pricing transparency and consumer protection and will mark the launch of MFTransparency’s Transparent Pricing Initiative in Kenya.
Transparent Pricing Initiative in Azerbaijan Launch Presentation Azerbaijan Presentation MFT Event 2009 - 10 - 08 On October 8th 2009 MFTransparency co-hosted a training workshop with the Azerbaijani Micro-finance Association (AMFA). The workshop trained industry professionals on issues related to pricing transparency and consumer protection and marked the launch of MFTransparency’s Transparent Pricing Initiative in Azerbaijan. View the presentation here.
Do Interest Rates Matter? Credit Demand in the Dhaka Slums India External Media Understanding Prices 2009 - 10 - 08 MicroCapital: This study attempts to show how sensitive borrowers are to rises in interest rates. The primary result of the study is that borrowers at SafeSave decreased loan demand significantly as a result of the increase in the interest rate. A one percent increase in the interest rate resulted in a range of .73 percent to .88 percent decrease in loan demand over the 12 month period. Additionally, less wealthy borrowers appear to decrease their loan demand more than wealthier borrowers due to the increase in interest rates.
Azerbaizan takes lead to showcase transparency in microfinance Azerbaijan External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2009 - 10 - 01 Microfinance Focus: Microfinance Focus, Oct. 1, 2009: With the negative media coverage in recent months, there is a collective need for transparency in microfinance sector. While some reports pointed out the high interest rates and the use of confusing product pricing, others have gone a step ahead to depict the microfinance institutions (MFIs) as no less than moneylenders
More transparency, please! External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2009 - 10 - 01 CGAP: MFTransparency has been featured on the CGAP Microfinance Blog as a leader in the global initiative for transparent pricing in microfinance. Author Christoph Kneiding highlights MFTransparency as the microfinance industry's answer to the lack of provisions for transparent pricing that are common among Western economies.
CGAP Advocates Transparency by Supporting MFTransparency MFTransparency Blog 2009 - 10 - 01 Author Christoph Kneiding highlights MFTransparency as the microfinance industry's answer to the lack of provisions for transparent pricing that are common among Western economies.
MFTransparency to Make History with First Data Launch MFTransparency Blog Data Collection 2009 - 10 - 01 For the first time in history, the microfinance transparency movement is going to provide extensive, accurate microfinance product pricing data publicly. This data will help protect consumers, enhance services and expand access to financial services. To continue expanding this movement, MFTransparency will need your help.
MicroFinance Transparency and AMFA Kick Off Transparent Pricing Initiative in Azerbaijan Azerbaijan MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2009 - 09 - 22 MFTransparency and the Azerbaijani Micro-finance Association (AMFA) will co-host a training workshop in Baku at the Hotel Respublika on the 8th of October, 2009 following the AMFA Investors Fair on 7th October 2009.
MFTransparency Pricing Seminar in Bangladesh Bangladesh MFTransparency Blog MFT Event, Regulation & Policy, Responsible Finance 2009 - 09 - 14 As lead presenter at the opening ceremony, MicroFinance Transparency advanced transparent pricing at a seminar organized by the Institute of Microfinance (InM) and the Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA). The event was attended by top regulatory authorities of the Bangladeshi microfinance industry, including finance minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith.
ACLEDA Recognized for Cambodia Transparent Pricing Initiative from MFTransparency Cambodia External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Responsible Finance 2009 - 09 - 01 ACLEDA: On August 07, 2009, ACLEDA Bank received a certificate of recognition from MFTransparency, for being a global pioneer in the microfinance industry by participating in the Cambodia Transparent Pricing Initiative.
Response to NYTimes article of 28Aug09 MFTransparency Blog Responsible Finance 2009 - 08 - 29 Mixing the profit motive and poverty efforts can be highly combustible, but also very powerful. Should rich people earn profits providing services to the poor? Sure, as long as both gain from the exchange. But how do we preserve an equitable balance in this unequal transaction?
Cambodia joins microloan clean-up Cambodia External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2009 - 08 - 14 Asia Times: Impoverished Cambodia has emerged as a global microfinance leader, becoming the first Asian nation to hold lenders accountable to their original mission of poverty reduction. If a new global initiative aimed at promoting greater transparency over microfinance institutions (MFIs) recently launched here gains traction, the multi-billion dollar industry could be set for a shake-out.
MFIs in Bangladesh should be transparent in fixing lending rates Bangladesh External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2009 - 08 - 14 The Financial Express: MFTransparency led a 2-day seminar in Bangladesh on pricing transparency. During the inaugural sesssion, the Finance Minster of Bangladesh stated "Micro finance institutions (MFIs) should maintain transparency in determining their interest rates and there should be a guideline in this respect." For more information, refer to the story from the Financial Express.
MFTransparency’s Bangladesh Pricing Seminar Presentation Bangladesh Presentation Industry Event 2009 - 08 - 04 MicroFinance Transparency led the presentations at the Institute of Microfinance (InM) and the Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) seminar on Transparent Pricing. View Chuck Waterfield's presentation on the importance of transparency in microfinance and the leading role that Bangladesh is poised to play in this initiative.
Launch of Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia Cambodia Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2009 - 08 - 03 The Transparent Pricing Initiative in Cambodia was launched with an event in Phnom Penh, opened by the Head of the Central Bank, with two presentations about the need for transparent pricing in microfinance by Chuck Waterfield. View the launch presentations here.
Microfinance Transparency charged to clear the air India External Media Consumer Protection 2009 - 07 - 10 Think Change India: This is great news and I commend the industry for recognizing its own responsibility to its clients and investors by providing such transparency.... Lets hope this is one part of a larger trend to further legitimize what is fast becoming an excellent toolkit for poverty reduction.
MFTransparency presents at Investment in Microfinance Conference, London UK Presentation Industry Event 2009 - 07 - 08 On July 8th 2009 MFTransparency presented at the Hanson Wade "Investment in Microfinance" Conference 2009. Chuck Waterfield presented on the implications of non-transparent pricing in microfinance to an audience of investment professionals. View the presentation here.
MFTransparency presents at the 4th African Microfinance Conference, Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Presentation Industry Event 2009 - 07 - 07 In July 2009 MFTransparency presented at the 4th African Microfinance Conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. MFTransparency's Alexandra Fiorillo presented on "Le Besoin de la Transparence dans l'industrie Microfinanciere". View this presentation here.
MFTransparency presents at Micro Credit Summit, Colombia Colombia Presentation Industry Event 2009 - 06 - 09 MFTransparency presented twice at the MicroCredit Summit in Colombia, introducing the importance of responsibility in finance as well as transparency. View these presentations here.
MFTransparency presents at Sanabel Conference Lebanon Presentation Industry Event 2009 - 05 - 12 In May 2009 MFTransparency presented at Sanabel's sixth annual conference, entitled: "Human Capital in Microfinance: People, Passion and Value" organized by Sanabel - The Microfinance Network of Arab Countries. View the award winning presentation here.
Implementing Pricing Transparency in Microfinance External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2009 - 04 - 20 E-MFP: Microfinance has long been a highly transparent industry, and rightly proud of it. We share a wide variety of financial indicators about our MFIs. Unfortunately, the true price of microfinance loan products has never been accurately measured nor reported.
MFTransparency’s Pricing Initiative Launch for Peru Peru Presentation MFT Event, Pricing Initiative 2009 - 03 - 04 The project in Peru formed a pilot in which MFTransparency's data collection methodology and analysis systems were tested and refined. The MFTransparency team visited Peru to present the transparency methodology. View the launch presentation here.
MICROCAPITAL PAPER WRAP-UP: The State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2009 External Media Consumer Protection 2009 - 02 - 03 MicroCapital: The State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign Report 2009 was written by Sam Daley-Harris and is a 70 page report that discusses the human face of global poverty, reviews microfinance breakthroughs in helping slum dwellers move out of the slums and highlights innovations that have brought renewable energy to poor communities.
Small Loans Grow in a Big Way External Media Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2008 - 12 - 22 Voice of America: As the microfinance industry grows, there are efforts to prevent abuses. A new effort based in the United States called MicroFinance Transparency. The aim is to prevent abuses by letting borrowers compare pricing information from different lenders. Its creator, Chuck Waterfield, calls it "an industry-based truth-in-lending effort."
The battle for the soul of microfinance External Media Responsible Finance 2008 - 12 - 06 Financial Times: The trouble is transparency. Competition works best when customers know what they’re paying and what they’re paying for, which is why lenders in the US have been required for the past 40 years to disclose their interest rates in a standardised format. Few microfinance institutions do the same thing, and the results can be baffling.
Local man unveils microfinance dream United States External Media Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2008 - 11 - 25 Lancaster Newspapers: Muhammad Yunus of Pakistan pioneered a microfinance system that has provided small loans to more than 100 million people living in poverty. Chuck Waterfield of Lancaster is an internationally known microfinance expert who is determined to foster Yunus' dream in growing nonprofit, humanitarian banking.
Potential at bottom of pyramid External Media Pricing Initiative 2008 - 11 - 25 Gulf Weekly: In an effort to head off a potential crisis in the fast-expanding micro-finance industry, its leaders are adopting global truth-in-lending standards and creating a system for comparing loan terms offered by competing lenders.
GF Joins Call to Safeguard Microfinance Clients External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2008 - 11 - 25 Grameen Foundation: Grameen Foundation joined 46 other organizations to support the launch of Microfinance Transparency at the Asia-Pacific Microcredit Summit, held in Bali, Indonesia, July 27-29. In a speech that became a keystone of the conference, Grameen Foundation board member Muhammad Yunus called for greater transparency by microfinance institutions, challenging lenders to publicly report interest rates and to set them no higher than that which will cover costs.
Is Transparent Pricing in Microfinance Necessary India External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance 2008 - 11 - 13 India Development Blog: Does it seem like the obvious response to this question should be a “Yes!”? An interesting point made by Sanjay Sinha (M-CRIL), at one of the Conference sessions, was how communication would play a key role in ensuring that increased transparency would not backfire on the MFIs.
MFTransparency presents at 2008 India Microfinance Summit India Presentation Industry Event 2008 - 11 - 11 In November 11-13, 2008 MFTransparency was the lead presenter at a session of the 2008 India Microfinance Summit. This was held in New Delhi. View Chuck Waterfield's Presentation here.
First MFTransparency endorsement in the Netherlands External Media Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2008 - 11 - 07 Oikocredit: On 4 October Oikocredit endorsed, as first Dutch-based organization, MicroFinance Transparency and announced a donation of € 20,000 in this initiative. MFTransparency’s mission is to be the venue for the microfinance industry to publicly demonstrate its commitment to pricing transparency, integrity and poverty alleviation.
Muhammad Yunus Joins Launch of Project to Help the World’s Poorest Borrowers Avoid High Interest Rat External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2008 - 08 - 16 Smart Money: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus joined in announcing the launch of MicroFinance Transparency, a non-governmental organization designed to make public the interest rates charged by microcredit lenders around the world, offering a much-needed form of consumer protection to the world's poorest borrowers.
Balancing Growth and Mission at the Microcredit Campaign Summit External Media Responsible Finance 2008 - 08 - 14 Unitus: An important area of interest for Unitus is increased financial transparency for MFIs and the clients they serve. During the opening plenary, Dr. Yunus and Chuck Waterfield of Microfin announced the launch of MFTransparency, an initiative that aims to bring truth-in-lending standards to microfinance by publishing standardized annual interest rates on its website. Unitus and nearly 45 other microfinance-related organizations endorsed the initiative as a critical next step in ensuring ethical lending practices.
HOPE International endorses Microfinance Transparency External Media Consumer Protection, Pricing Initiative, Responsible Finance 2008 - 08 - 12 Hope International: Lancaster, PA (August 4, 2008) HOPE International has announced its endorsement of, a new nonprofit organization created to encourage transparency, integrity, and poverty alleviation within the microfinance sector. HOPE was the first microfinance network to register its support for this new initiative that will prevent abuse of the microfinance sector and exploitation of the poor.
Micro-financiers track loan costs in developing world External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2008 - 08 - 12 Vancouver Sun: Annual interest of 25, 50 or maybe 100-plus per cent: What's fair? Where, exactly, should the line be drawn between loan-sharks and worthy micro-credit programs? Between enterprises that exploit poor people who can't get conventional loans and those that help them?
Truth in lending for microfinancers? External Media Responsible Finance 2008 - 08 - 12 Payday Pundit: Stung by allegations of charging high interest rates, Microfinancers are considering a "truth-in-lending" type standard to apply across the industry.
Microfinance Experts Criticize Mexican Bank External Media Understanding Prices 2008 - 08 - 12 TheStreet: During a conference call Monday from the Asia-Pacific Microcredit Summit, several advocates chastised those who charge "loan-shark" interest rates and criticized Compartamos' initial public offering last year. Microlending should be performed by banks and nonprofits that operate within the country, they say, and better oversight is needed to ensure competitive rates and ethical collection practices.
Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus Speaks Out Against For-Profit Microfinance from Asia-Pacific Microcred External Media Responsible Finance 2008 - 08 - 12 MicroCapital: Muhammad Yunus, the microfinance pioneer and winner of the Nobel Prize for founding the Grameen Bank, spoke out against the growing trend of commercial microfinance.
Setting Standards for Microfinance External Media Consumer Protection, MFT Event, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2008 - 08 - 12 BusinessWeek: In an effort to head off a potential crisis in the fast-expanding microfinance industry, its leaders are adopting global truth-in-lending standards and creating a system for comparing loan terms offered by competing lenders. To manage the effort, a new self-monitoring organization, MicroFinance Transparency, is being set up as the industry's policeman.
Yunus’ Bank Shot External Media Responsible Finance 2008 - 08 - 12 Forbes: Muhammad Yunus, lender to the very poor and winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, thinks traditional bankers could learn from his business model. Consider: for all their fee income and credit analysis, they're the ones having the financial crisis.
Microcredit lenders urged to improve transparency External Media Consumer Protection, Responsible Finance, Understanding Prices 2008 - 08 - 12 Reuters: Lenders to the world's poor should disclose how much they charge their borrowers, a global network of microcredit agencies said on Monday, urging more transparency and greater protection of the poor.
Global Launch of MFTransparency Indonesia Presentation Industry Event 2008 - 07 - 28 MFTransparency was launched on July 28, 2008 at the Asia Pacific Microcredit Summit Council of Practitioners in Bali, Indonesia. View the launch presentation here.
He’s aiding borrowers in developing nations External Media Responsible Finance 2008 - 07 - 25 Lancaster Newspapers: In the United States, the cost of borrowing money is stated clearly and consistently, thanks to federal law. The Truth in Lending Act requires lenders to tell customers the annual percentage rate they would pay, so customers can easily shop for the best deal. But in developing countries, it's truly a different world.