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Auntie-Need-a-Loan and Financial Education

Published on July 6, 2012

Accion’s Center for Financial Inclusion blog shares MFTransparency’s consumer pricing education animation about lively characters Chantal and Auntie-Need-a-Loan.

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Auntie-Need-a-Loan and Financial Education, CFI Blog, July 6 2012

Microfinance Transparency recently released an interactive video designed to share information about flat and declining interest rates in an engaging new way. It tells the story of “Chantal” and “Auntie-Need-a-Loan.” Auntie doesn’t read the terms and con­di­tions of her loan. Unfortunately, her carelessness leads her to get tricked by loan predators, pay high fees, miscalculate her interest, and miss her loan payments. The concept was created to help in­dus­try stake­hold­ers to con­vey im­por­tant pric­ing transparen­cy and con­sumer pro­tec­tion mes­sages.

In ad­di­tion to this an­i­ma­tion, “Aun­tie-Need-a-Loan” will be fea­tured in radio pub­lic ser­vice an­nounce­ments, train­ing ma­te­ri­als and other print ma­te­ri­als throughout Rwanda and Malawi.

Check out the full animation here!

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