Pricing Transparency in Microfinance: 1 Year Later
Oikocredit Blog: Chuck Waterfield talks with Oikocredit about the progress that has been made in pricing transparency over the past year.
View this news item »Oikocredit Blog: Chuck Waterfield talks with Oikocredit about the progress that has been made in pricing transparency over the past year.
View this news item »Moroccan newspaper Aujourd’hui hails MFTransparency as a new champion for client protection in Morocco. Read the article on MFTransparency’s launch event of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Morocco, in French, here.
View this news item »AUJOURD’HUI: Moroccan newspaper Aujourd’hui interviewed MFTransparency’s Program Manager, Ranya Abdel Baki, at the launch of the Transparent Pricing Initiative in Morocco. Read the interview in French here.
View this news item »SNS Impact Investing – Now that the fog is lifting on pricing, MFTransparency can now shift into “Phase II” – using a better understanding of pricing to have all stakeholders make wiser decisions.
View this news item »In August 2012 La Colmena Milenaria published the following Spanish bulletin about the international movement in favour of transparency.
View this news item »MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: MFTransparency creates partnerships to generate better understanding of pricing trends in the microfinance industry.
View this news item »In July 2012 MFTransparency delivered a series of training sessions to European microfinance investors, one of which was Incofin. Incofin reiterated its engagement to keep on motivating MFIs to maximize transparent pricing.
View this news item »Tanzania Daily News: Banks told to charge declining interest rates by Tanzania Consumer Advocacy Society, using MicroFinance Transparency method of calculating interest rate.
View this news item »Center for Financial Inclusion: Microfinance Transparency recently released an interactive video designed to share information about flat and declining interest rates in an engaging new way.
View this news item »Oikocredit Blog: Chuck Waterfield talks with Oikocredit about pricing methodologies and the progress that has been made in pricing transparency.
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