Learn About MFTransparency in a Snapshot
In celebration of MFTransparency’s fifth anniversary, we are featuring some of our most important work and activities over the month of August. If you have not done so already, please do check out our blogs on the website, the new Truth in Lending Tables (TILT), and the Country Pricing Reports.
We have also added a new resource to our Resource Center titled “MicroFinance Transparency in a Snapshot”. This 2-page resource provides a snapshot of MFTransparency’s current vision, mission, and core objectives and team members. It also includes some interesting facts and figures about the organization that you most likely do not know!
The “Did you Know?” section; for example, includes an interesting fact about how the decision to establish MFTransparency arose. So did you know that the decision to establish MFTransparency grew out of a plenary meeting at the 2007 SEEP Conference, where attendees identified non-transparent pricing as the top concern related to profits and IPOs? Another interesting fact included in the resource is that, since MFTransparency’s launch on July 28th 2013 at the MicroCredit Summit in Bali, Indonesia, more than 800 industry leaders and 450 individuals worldwide have endorsed MFTransparency. MFTransparency endorsers are individuals and organizations who have given their written commitment to MFTransparency’s mission. To see the full list of endorses, please click here. If you would like to endorse us too, you can click here and will be directed to the MFTransparency Endorser Statement.
MFTransparency has received tens of statements from practitioners in the microfinance industry on the event of the fifth anniversary. A few of these quotes have been highlighted in this resource as well.
On a final note, MFTransparency provides due thanks to all of its partners, donors, and MFIs who have supported the organization over the past five years and helped make microfinance the first industry to practice global voluntary pricing disclosure. These accomplishments would not have been possible without all of your support.
If you have not read the “MicroFinance Transparency in a Snapshot” yet, we highly recommend that you do for an interesting light read on our organization. You can access the resource here.
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