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Transparent Pricing In Bosnia and Herzegovina

Please note that MFTransparency is no longer collecting new pricing data. The data displayed for this country is for historical purposes only and does not represent current products or prices in the country. Note that the age of the information for each MFI is indicated in the table below.

The Transparent Pricing Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina has published standardized pricing data from 14 microfinance providers, covering 100% of AMFI’s members.. Launched in 2010 the Initiative is delivered in partnership with the national microfinance network (AMFI) and financed by CGAP. Bosnia and Herzegovina holds the distinction of being the first country completed and published by MFTransparency.

Microfinance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The microfinance sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina is relatively young, having been introduced in the during the post-war mid-1990s as part of the economic rebuilding process. Most of these microfinance providers that have emerged since the mid 1990s have achieved a strong growth in outreach and profitability, and have attracted a high volume of local and international funding. Institutions currently providing microfinance services include commercial banks, for-profit microcredit companies and non-profit microcredit foundations.

Truth-in-Lending Legislation

The Regulatory and supervisory framework for microfinance sector in Bosnia is well established and serves as a role model for other countries. Legislation demanding a unified way of calculating and expressing effective interest rate was enacted in 2006 in the Republic of Srpska and in 2007 in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This established clearly the definition, calculation methods, and communication of effective interest rate by microfinance providers operating the in the country.  Legislation enacted in 2010 set requirements for the  handling of customer complaints, including complaint processing time, ways of presenting complaints and record keeping of complaints at the Banking Agency.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Price Graph

The Price Graph for Bosnia and Herzegovina shows that loans of a smaller size incur a higher cost to the borrower, with a significant steepening of the market average rate as the loan size falls.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Institutions

Institution# BorrowersProductsParticipating SinceAge of Data
ADRIA38142010-09-15188 mos.
EKI51,61842010-09-15164 mos.
First Islamic8,44352010-09-15188 mos.
LIDER3,80062010-09-15188 mos.
LOK30,52162010-09-15164 mos.
MI-BOSPO17,20662010-09-15164 mos.
MIKRA11,99862010-09-15164 mos.
MIKRO ALDI1,98442010-09-15164 mos.
MIKROFIN56,00042010-09-15164 mos.
PARTNER42,15882010-09-15164 mos.
Prizma54,46072010-09-15164 mos.
SINERGIJA10,200102010-09-15164 mos.
Sunrise29,35932009-09-01164 mos.
ZZZ4,83992009-09-01164 mos.
Caps / Zoom options
Key Statistics
# Samples:
# Products
# Institutions
# Countries
# Borrowers
Loan Portfolio (USD)
% Products using declining balance
% Products with one or more fee
% Products with one or more insurances
% Products with compulsory deposits
Filter table:
Country InstAbbrev SampleCode Loan Amount USD Loan Term (Months) SampClients FullAPR DateApproved
X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
N (# of Samples)
Total Borrrowers of Samples
Std Dev
By Inst Type
By Country

Total Borrowers of Samples

X Axis
Greater than:
Less or equal to:
From 0 to