Our Funders
We would like to acknowledge and thank our funders for their support to both MicroFinance Transparency and the advancement of transparent pricing in the microfinance industry. These funders allow MFTransparency to expand operations into new regions and countries, develop educational materials for microfinance industry stakeholders and improve transparency in pricing around the world.
The MasterCard Foundation believes that every person has the potential to transform their lives, and to improve the lives of their families and their communities. By increasing access to microfinance and youth education for people in developing countries, the foundation is enabling them to realize their potential and lift themselves out of poverty. The foundation’s vision is to make the economy work for everyone. It is an independent, private foundation based in Toronto, Canada, it was established through the generosity of MasterCard Worldwide at the time of the company’s initial public offering in 2006.
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is a public development finance institution that has been working to fight poverty and foster economic growth in developing countries and the French Overseas Communities for seventy years. AFD is present on four continents where it has an international network of seventy agencies and representation offices, including nine in the French Overseas Communities and one in Brussels. It finances and supports projects that improve people’s living conditions, promote economic growth and protect the planet, such as schooling for children, maternal health, support for farmers and small businesses, water supply, tropical forest preservation, financial inclusion and the fight against climate change.
MicroNed is a network of the Dutch Development Finance Organisations cooperating on a structural basis with respect to the establishment of a specialised sector approach for microfinance. Its mission is to strengthen and coordinate the joint contribution of its member organisations to the microfinance sector, through sharing of each others expertise and experiences, through joint knowledge development and through capacity development of staff. Several members of MicroNed have donated to MFTransparency

Oxfam Novib supports above all people worst hit by poverty and injustice: women, children and minorities. We support projects, strengthen local organizations and campaign for equitable policies. Locally and internationally, because poverty and injustice are global problems and are related to unjust economic and political relationships.
DOEN Foundation works towards the achievement of a liveable world in which everyone has a place. Acting within its four fields of operation of Sustainable Development, Culture, Welfare and Social Cohesion, it provides subsidies where necessary, and arranges loans and equity investments where possible.DOEN Foundation achieves its objective through the revenues it receives from the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the Sponsor Bingo Lottery and the BankGiro Lottery.
The Citi Foundation is committed to the economic empowerment of individuals and families, particularly those in need, in the communities where we work so that they can improve their standard of living. Globally, the Citi Foundation targets its strategic giving on its priority focus areas: Microfinance and Microenterprise, Small and Growing Businesses, Education, and Financial Education and Asset Building. The Citi Foundation works with its partners in Microfinance and Microenterprise, Small and Growing Businesses, and Community Development to support environmental programs and innovations.
The Ford Foundation is an independent, nonprofit grant-making organization. For more than half a century it has worked with courageous people on the frontlines of social change worldwide, guided by its mission to strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement. With headquarters in New York, the foundation has offices in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
Cordaid is one of the biggest international development organizations with more than 90 years of experience in poverty eradication in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Partner organizations work on various themes, including participation, emergency aid and reconstruction, health and well-being and entrepreneurship. Cordaid has a strong support base in the Dutch community, based on the long tradition of Mensen in Nood (Caritas Netherlands), Memisa Medicus Mundi, the Dutch Bishop’s Lenten Campaign (Vastenaktie) and Cebemo.
HOPE International (HOPE) is a Christian faith-based, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on alleviating physical and spiritual poverty through microenterprise development. The organization’s mission is to invest in the dreams of the poor in the world’s underserved communities so that they might be released from physical and spiritual poverty. Hope International offers small business loans, savings services, biblically-based business training, and mentoring and coaching from a Christ-centered perspective.
Empowering poor entrepreneurs with credit is at the heart of Oikocredit’s mission.Oikocredit is a worldwide cooperative society that offers loans, capital and capacity building support to cooperatives, microfinance institutions and small to medium enterprises which are focused on building opportunities for people without access to credit. Through its global network of offices, Oikocredit sources and monitors project partners in more than 65 countries, ensuring a close relationship and providing tailor-made services.
Deutsche Bank is committed to leveraging its capabilities as a global investment bank to create opportunities for under-resourced communities. Through a portfolio of grants, loans, and investments, the Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation and Community Development Finance Group provide leadership and resources in the areas of economic development, microfinance, affordable housing, arts and culture, and education.
Triple Jump aims to provide financial services for microfinance institutions in all phases of their development. Triple Jump Fund Management, a leading microfinance fund manager, provides funding solutions, while Triple Jump Advisory Services, an independent foundation, provides consulting services and technical assistance.