The Transparent Pricing Initiative in Malawi has published standardized pricing data from ten microfinance providers, representing an estimated 90% of Malawi’s microloan borrowers. Launched in 2011 the Initiative is delivered in partnership with Planet Rating and MAMN (the Malawi Microfinance Network), and is funded by the MasterCard Foundation.
Microfinance in Malawi According to the 2009 Malawi Financial Demand-side Report, 55% of Malawians are financially excluded, using neither formal financial institutions nor informal mechanisms. Efforts to improve access to finance have been around since the beginning of the 1990s. These initiatives were advanced mainly by the government of Malawi and various other national and international market players. Malawi has 21 microfinance service providers, consisting of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) and other money lending companies. Combined these institutions serve an estimated 323,000 active borrowers and manage a gross loan portfolio of USD 28 million.
Truth-in-Lending Legislation The Reserve Bank of Malawi is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing the microfinance sector. The legal and regulatory framework for the sector was formalized through the Financial Service Act, 2010, the Microfinance Act, 2010 and the Cooperative Act, of 2010. Subsequent guidelines and directives were issued aiming to complement and strengthen the regulatory and supervisory framework of the sector. This includes the new Malawi Microfinance Bill which will help ensure that microfinance institutions clearly communicate their pricing to clients prior to disbursing loans.
Malawi Institutions
Institution | # Borrowers | Portfolio (US$) | Products | Transp. Index | Participating Since | Age of Data |
CCODE | 2,351 | 642,437 | 4 | 113 | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |
CUMO | 48,013 | 593,957 | 2 | 44 | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |
FINCA | 29,927 | 3,752,103 | 3 | 85 | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |
FINCOOP | 4,221 | 273,904 | 6 | 47 | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |
FITSE | 8,790 | 649,408 | 4 | 44 | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |
MARDEF | 166,575 | 2,550,582 | 1 | 100 | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |
MLF MWI | 24,364 | 1,698,128 | 3 | 41 | 2012-Feb | 146 mos. |
MRFC | 1,772 | 0 | 0 | N/A | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |
NBS | 1,000 | 974,359 | 1 | 63 | 2011-Jan | 172 mos. |
OIBM | 52,649 | 9,227,488 | 4 | 65 | 2011-Jan | 146 mos. |